Eight years after the release of the Tour with the Mayor, filming has started on the sequel.
“The first movie was good,” said Lee X. Williams, director, and an employee at Barber’s Corner Media. “But it had some problems. Sometimes it felt like (Mayor Roger Claar) was promoting a magazine. Other times it felt like Roger was promoting Bolingbrook. I still don’t understand why a boxer accompanied Roger. This time we’re tightening the focus. This film is going to be laser-focused on Roger talking about his pure vision for Bolingbrook.”
According to Williams, the film will feature Claar visiting several local businesses, including WeatherTech and Ulta. Williams promises “glowing” interviews from residents and business owners on why they love Bolingbrook:
“As we’ve been doing these interviews, I’ve noticed some common themes: Diversity, Friendly Business Environment, and love of Roger. We hope we can highlight them to our audience.”
According to a source within Barber’s Corner Media, there have been hecklers at some of the interviews:
“I’m sure Bolingbrook United is behind some of them….because all real residents love Roger!”
The source provided footage of some of the incidents.
In the first video, Claar is confronted in front of Masjid Al-Jumu’ah.
Man: Excuse me, Mr. Mayor, but how would you feel if I said we should ban all Christians from the US?
Claar: I know what you’re trying to do, and it won’t work. Hillary Clinton had ethical problems too. At least Trump promised to shake things up, and he has. I got what I voted for!
Man: But if Trump’s immigration policies had been enacted, Bolingbrook would have never become the diverse community it is today.
Claar: Maybe. Maybe not. It doesn’t matter. I saw you standing two blocks from a Bolingbrook United member. That means you are not a resident. You are a foe, and right now I don’t have time for foes. (Claar turns towards the camera.) You are editing this out, right?
Williams: Yes.
In the second video, a woman interrupts an interview taking place at Ikea.
Woman: Excuse me, Roger.
Claar: I’m busy.
Woman: This will only take a second. Whenever I visit my friends, I have to admire their garbage cans on wheels.
Claar: They’re called Toters.
Woman: I love them. You don’t have to look at unsightly bags in the morning. If they’re ripped, the toters offer a layer of protection. What’s not to love?
Claar: They’re unsightly, cost money, and you can save the village money by keeping your garbage in the garage, and not putting the bags out until the morning. That will keep the skunks away.
Woman: What about the stray dogs, stray cats, coyotes, mice, rats, and moles? A garbage toter offers more protection than a simple bag.
Claar: Just because Democrat cities use them, doesn’t mean we have to change 25 years of garbage policy!
Woman: Warrenville and Rochelle use totes, and they’re not run by Democrats. I can buy my own, right?
Claar: No. They’re still unsightly. If we are forced to change the law, I will make sure that you have to keep them in the backyard. I hope they don’t force me to allow toters because I don’t want to subsidize garbage cans.
Woman: You subsidize a luxury golf course, and you don’t want to subsidize an awesome garbage solution? Besides, who are you to tell me what to do on my own property?
Claar: I’m the Mayor of Bolingbrook, and you’re not a resident. Only my foes care about garbage!
Woman: Bonnie was right! You are a communist fascist!
Claar: You’re out of this video!
Williams says Tour with the Mayor 2: Roger Rising will debut on YouTube sometime in 2018.
When reached for comment, the receptionist said the mayor was in a meeting and could not be disturbed.
In the background, a man who sounded like Claar said: “Sheldon told me God wants him to be a trustee right now. What do you think?
A man who sounded like Trustee Robert Jaskiewicz said: “That depends. Do you really want God telling you how to run Bolingbrook?”
“You just had to phrase it that way.”
Also in the Babbler:
Mayor Claar rejects ‘soda rebate’
Chicago ghosts to march against gun violence this weekend
Claar forms secret committee to prepare Bolingbrook for a hurricane strike
God to smite Bolingbrook on 9/20/17
oh c’mon
unmoderate me already
Everyone is moderated for now. I might change that later on.