I can get behind this:
I can get behind this:
Who’d have thought that the Canadians would stop apologizing for being stuck in this confusing situation, and would start bossing around the face-eating leopards? Wow. Que les etrange temps roulent.
After way too many years (4, 5 or so) the Hot Shed is officially “done.” That means that the list of changes I want to make is pretty close to zero. Obviously, there will always be a few things but when you’re down to figuring out the lighting arrangement, you’re done.
I’m going to offer that as a postulate. The attempt to eradicate history requires so much effort and energy that the attempt, itself, leaves a mark – no matter what, there are going to be traces, left by the traces, and the traces before, and even the attempt to right a wrong will be see as a wrong by those who were happy with the status quo.
Actually, I used to hang out at Affinity [aff] because sometimes there was interesting far-ranging discussions and art, and creativity. I started here at Pharyngula, when it was still under ScienceBlogs (I still have the mug!) and came to enjoy the rough-and-tumble crotch-kicking and religion-bashing. I still track there, but I have found that, in the last year, my ability to stay awake is seriously compromised, and the wars of religion are just a waste of time. In fact, I often catch myself thinking that the right-thinking people of the world were too busy pounding on theists to deconstruct the burgeoning fascist dictatorship that was growing in the wings.
Warning: Potentially Embarrassing References To 1980s Music
Of course, the autocrats are assuming that the AIs will be nietzschean ubermenschen, but …
I used to be a highly creative person. I’m not bragging but one idea I threw out over a sushi dinner at Higashi West got turned into a start-up which netted the founder about $200mn. I’ve had a bunch to drink and topped it off with a Zoloft, so forgive me if I wander a bit. It’s snowing out and the shop is too cold and I’m not sure if I want to play computer games, tonight, or try to write.
This may be image-heavy or long. I’ve been busy with the thing, and it’s turned out/turning out nicely.
[WARNING: Long for today’s attention-spans. Readers over 50 should be OK.]
You’ve probably heard that before. Perhaps you’ve heard the same regarding large language models. One thing that this does is casually glosses over the fact that the two approaches work very differently. Or, more precisely, the two approaches are categories of approaches, which can have independent implementation details, as well.
I used to raid my dad’s library in the summers, when I ran out of books to read. One summer I grabbed Robert Paul Wolff’s In Defense of Anarchism, which sits beside me as I write this. [Umass Amherst]