The Woolwich Murder: Another case of Religious Insanity.

I am sad but not so shocked by the savagery and pure barbarism displayed by the two murderers who butchered a man to his death in broad daylight in Woolwich, South East London. The victim, a serving soldier was attacked with knives and a meat cleaver by two men shouting Allahu Akbar (God is Great).


I am also very sad because this really did not shock me as much as I would have expected. In fact the only shock seems to be the weapon they chose. Meat cleavers and machetes aren’t normally associated with terrorists in UK; bomb seems to be more of a weapon of choice than machetes.  Or could the weapon of choice have something to do with the Nationality of one of the attackers?

One of the two men who committed the dastardly act, Michael Adebolajo, is said to have a Nigerian background. I must say, as a Nigerian, it is not uncommon for aggressive people in an attempt to strike fear in their opponents, to boast thWoolwich-attacker-suspects-1905276at they will bring out a machete to butcher their enemies. However, I only see this on ill advised Nollywood movies, but even in the movies, while menacingly brandishing their machetes, they never butcher anyone. I do see Americans rush to bring out their guns and revolvers at the approach of an intruder, but then I am told that is not just a Hollywood tale, it is reality.

The murder is a reminder of the stark insanity that is Religion.

According to BBC sources, Michael Adebolajo, a Briton of Nigerian descent, comes from a devout Christian family but took up Islam after leaving college in 2001. He was described as “bright and witty” when he was at college.

This British born Nigerian was shown with a bloodied knife which he had used to butcher his victim. The two murderers made no attempt to flee; in fact they were happy to be filmed, they even asked people to take pictures of them in anticipation of being the latest YouTube sensation. [Read more…]

Why “Thank God I survived” or “God knows best” is a terrible thing to say in the aftermath of a fatal disaster.

The aftermath of a tragedy always see many people praising ‘God’ for how they managed to escape and survive the tragedy. From natural disasters like the fatal earthquake in Haiti, Tsunami in Japan, Tornadoes in Oklahoma to the very avoidable road accidents and man-made plane crashes in Nigeria, many always come up with the “Thank God I survived” and “God knows best” supplication.307120_290237154324821_100000156154826_1443765_1849047904_n

Truly—Thank God? Really… God knows best?

Do people ever pause to really comprehend how selfish and distasteful this statement is? There you are, staring at the burnt remains of humans from a fire accident, grossly twisted bodies of innocent children from a car accident, pieces of charred human flesh scattered at a bomb blast scene or your neighbor’s body, half buried under a pile of debris caused by a natural disaster and all you could say is, thank God it wasn’t you. Really?

Yes, you might be glad that you are not one of the burnt persons, that your child is not the grossly twisted child who groaned and screamed in agony but should you not save your ‘Thank God’ supplications for the privacy of your room when only you and your ‘God’ is present?

How do you think it seems to the family of those bereaved when for example:- [Read more…]

Why Am I An Atheist?

The million dollar question! I really get peeved when asked this question especially when it comes with that disbelieving look and exclamation. “You mean you really don’t believe there is a God?” This is sometimes followed by the incredulous “You insane or something? And not forgetting that very annoying question “What happened to make you lose faith in God?”

Why do believers assume something terrible must have happened for one to lose “faith” or not have faith at all? 

 Well, the terrible thing that happened was I actually read the bible, and the good news is, reading the bible and other ‘holy’ books turned me into an Atheist! [Read more…]