Dreaming of a rainbow bridge (Non-Fiction)

Our cat Augustine (Auggie), died last week due to various health conditions finally overwhelming his body. He was a 16-year-old tabby who spent all but six weeks of his life with my wife. Auggie and my wife were inseparable at home.

At one point, we lived with three cats, and it had its joys and challenges. But Auggie was our last cat, and now the house feels empty. It’s been a hard few days, but we cherish the time we had with Auggie, and I know he was fortunate to have never known life as a stray or as a shelter cat. I’m glad I got to know and care for him.

Auggie was an expert at untying knots, and no shoelace was safe from his paws. Until a few years ago, he loved playing fetch with us. Sometimes we wondered if he was part dog.

I’ve received comments that Auggie crossed the rainbow bridge and met up with Callie and River on the other side. While I appreciate the intention, I believe Auggie is gone, and he’s not waiting for us in the afterlife. For all of us, being alive and able to think about the world around us is special. However, I can imagine him have one last dream about crossing the rainbow bridge and finding feeling at peace before his world faded away.

Babbler Special Report: Interstellar Court blocks Trump’s remote work ban for off-world employees (Fiction)

By Reporter X 

The Clow UFO Base Court of Extraterrestrial Affairs in the 109,298,291 Circuit, based in Bolingbrook, IL, ruled that off-world federal employees do not have to return their offices on Earth.

“The Interstellar Commonwealth follows the rule of law,” said Judge Kilos Surgon. “Not the whims of a human leader obsessed with orange skin.”

Surgon explained that the US Government’s contract with the Association of Off-world Employees requires the Government to honor all remote work and telework arrangements. In a state of emergency, any employee can work from home if they feel the commute would be too dangerous.

“If we believe President Trump, there is an ongoing invasion of the United States, and a yet to be named pandemic that requires closing the border. Not to mention that the President will pardon anyone who commits a violent crime in his name. Those are perfectly valid reasons to work as far away from Earth as possible.”

Government lawyers argued that only office monitoring can stop the “spread of DEI,” among the Federal Workforce.

“It’s hard to snitch when your nearest co-worker is several astronomical units away,” One lawyer of the government argued. 

Surgon asked what was wrong with diversity, inclusion, and equity programs.

“We want to go back to the days when merit mattered,” a government lawyer replied. 

“You’re asking me to believe that President Trump is more qualified than Former Vice-President Kamala Harris?” Surgon asked.

“Have you seen Kamala?”

“I think that answers my question.”

Lawyers for AOOE argued that the return to office mandate was an effort to force government workers to quit.

“If we quit, then the government won’t give us severance packages. Not only is the President a cruel man, he’s also a cheapskate!”

After the ruling, the head lawyer for the United States government, John Smith, vowed to appeal all the way to the Hive Mind.

“Our great President is a very discriminating person. He wants only the best people, and the best work in the office 80 hours a week and don’t take no for an answer.”

A lawyer for AOOE shouted, “We’ll stop working from home when President Trump stops working at Mar-a-Largo and Elon Musk gets a real job!”


Note: This is a work of fiction. All opinions expressed are my own. They do not reflect the views of any organization I work for or of my employer. 

Want to support my creative work? Check out my Urban Fantasy series, the Bolingbrook Babbler Stories. You can also buy me a coffee.

‘Our 250 year nightmare is over!’ The Babbler’s shocking predictions for 2025 (Fiction)

It’s a new year and time for our annual psychic predictions for 2025. Our council of psychics is still recovering from their visions of the next year.

Last year, our psychic predictions were on close to the mark. President Trump almost died during a speech. Representative Bill Foster won reelection. Fears of AI spread around the world. Biden’s popularity continued to drop. 

Since we’re surrounded by skeptics, we expect them to point out the minor details our psychics missed. Like LaBell never opened in Bolingbrook. Nor did we predict Biden would drop out of the race. Just like the pollsters, we didn’t predict President Trump would win by an electoral landslide. 

Psychic visions aren’t clear, and mistakes are bound to happen. In this case, they saw an older person winning the election and assumed it was President Biden. Easy mistake to make.

With that in mind, here are the Babbler’s predictions for 2025!


During Starship’s first orbital mission, millions will be shocked when they see Elon Musk’s dead body floating in the cargo bay. President Trump will deny any responsibility for Musk’s death. However, he’ll post his denial about 30 minutes before the world realizes Musk is dead. MAGA supporters will start threatening to “Starship” their opponents.


Mayor Mary Alexander-Basta, despite running unopposed, will lose to write-in candidate Sheldon Watts, a former Bolingbrook Village trustee.

Watts will say, “God told me to register as a write-in candidate. Who am I to question God? Now I’m blessed to be the new Mayor of Bolingbrook.”

The First Party for Bolingbrook will respond by suing God.


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party will shock the world by winning reelection in a landslide. Trump’s threats to annex Canada will backfire as a tidal wave of patriotism will sweep across the country.

Trudeau will say, “I’m running to be the Prime Minister of Canada. Pierre Poilievre is running to be a lowly governor. If you thought my visit to Mar-a-Largo was humiliating, wait until Pierre offers Trump the unconditional surrender of Canada. If you want to honor the brave soldiers who won the War of 1812, vote for the Liberal Party. Si vous aimez la langue française, votez pour moi!”

After the election, Alberta joins the United States. The citizens will immediately regret their decision after Trump’s first visit.


Thousands of US soldiers will be fired because they’re considered too “woke.” Canada will offer them jobs in their military, and most will accept. Many will also become Canadian citizens. 

One soldier will say, “Sure, my family has to wait in line for healthcare. But at least there is a line here. Canada loves me as much as I loved the United States. It’s so hard not to say, “America.”


In response to a US military raid into Mexico, Mexico retaliates with a surprise bombing of Texas. Hospitals, water plants, roads, and ports will be destroyed. 

The President of Mexico, Claudia Sheinbaum, will say, “Mexico has a right to defend itself, and we will strike at anyone who has ties to the Republican Party! No more land for peace deals. The only democracy north of Central America is surrounded by hostile states!”


President Trump will die while playing golf. President JD Vance will address the country that evening. He will start his speech by saying, “Our 250 year nightmare is over! Men are free at last.” Vance will announce the termination of the United States Constitution. He’ll warn Congress and the Supreme Court that he’ll go “Boris Yeltsin” on them if they oppose him. Near the end of his speech, a humanoid robot will walk into the Oval Office. Vance will say Elon Musk uploaded his brain into the android, and that Musk is officially the Co-President of the United States. 

Android Musk announces that he’s renamed the United States X and summoned representatives from the Red States to draft a new constitution. He says military forces will occupy the Blue States until they ratify the new constitution.

“Many of you will die during the transition to a better society,” Musk will say, “On behalf of the trillions of humans in the far future, thank you for your sacrifice.”


After Denmark refuses to sell Greenland to the X Vance will order the military to take it by force. Since the X left NATO, Denmark invokes Article 5 of the NATO treaty. This will be only the second time in history it’s been invoked. 

After establishing a beachhead, X troops run out of ammunition. X factories cannot manufacture enough to keep up with the demand for ammo for the troops occupying the Blue States and for the troops occupying Greenland. 

Because of purges and the occupation of Blue States, the invasion force lacks the troops to hold the beachhead. Space Force attempts to send in their marines, but none will survive free falling from orbit. X Forces will surrender, but the X media, afraid of offending Vance and Musk, will report that Greenland is now the 52nd state.


The year will end in the country of X with triple digit inflation, the Canadian Dollar replacing the Dollar as a safe global currency, an out-of-control polio epidemic, and Chicagoland joining Canada. Likely voters will say they’re better off now than they were in 2024. 

Note: This is a work of fiction. All opinions expressed are my own. They do not reflect the views of any organization I work for or of my employer. 

Want to support my creative work? Check out my Urban Fantasy series, the Bolingbrook Babbler Stories.  You can also buy me a coffee.

LGBTQ+ People Are Not Going Back

I just found out about a blogging protest arranged by Julia Serano, against transphobia not only in the Republican Party but also among Democratic Party officials too willing to throw trans people under the bus out of fear of being labeled as the “Woke” Party.

To me, transphobia is like leftover homophobia, reheated and served to the public. The panic is a divide and conquer campaign against the entire LGBTQ+ community. The arguments used against trans people today will be reused against the rest of the LBGTQ+ community.

That some in the Democratic Party value winning elections over resisting a growing threat is a disgraceful. LBGTQ+ people are not going back, and I don’t want to go back either. The Democratic Party shouldn’t give into the bullies because the bullies will call them “woke.” Holding elected office for the sake of holding elected office is how our country got into this mess.

I’d encourage everyone to read the other LBGTQ+ People Are Not Going Back posts for more details and background.


My first authors on authors livestream (Non-ficiton)

Last Sunday, I joined fellow Indieverse Awards nominees Stephanie Combs and Valerie Rivers for an Instagram Live. They’re sisters, and their debut novel, The Stars Would Curse Us, is nominated for three Indieverse Awards. It’s like a Fae Hunger Games in a gaslight setting. My book, A Fire in the Shadows, is nominated for two Indieverse Awards.

For about an hour, we talked about our books, creative processes, and other author things. We had a great time, and you can check it out below:

Israel’s Space Defense Force ‘preemptively’ attacks DuPage Township (Fiction)

Israel’s Space Defense Force launched a kinetic orbital strike against DuPage Township. The township’s “Iron Force Field” withstood the attack, and there were no casualties or property damage.

The SDF released a statement that read, “In response to a possible threat to the security of Israel, the SDF staged a surprise preemptive defensive operation to neutralize the ability of DuPage Township to launch offensive operations against Israel and its allies. Whether it’s on Earth or on Mars, the Israeli Space Defense force will strike anyone who makes us feel insecure!”

Peter, who asked that his last name not be printed, witnessed the 2 AM attack.

“I kept hearing these explosions outside. At first I thought the quarry was mining at an ungodly hour. When I saw the flashes of light, I knew something was off. I looked outside and saw explosions in the sky, followed by glowing shockwaves. In front of my house, I saw someone wearing power armor that resembled a Gundam suit. The suit had a DuPage Township emblem and, I think, a Palestinian emblem. Whoever was inside used the suit’s PA to say something like, ‘It’s not so easy facing an opponent that can fight back! Now send down your best paratrooper and we’ll settle this once and for all!’”

Janet, who did not say her last name, claims that hours before the attack, two Israeli settlers tried to seize her home. According to Janet, the settlers said an Israeli court had ordered the eviction of Janet’s family. One settler claimed that since one of his ancestors camped overnight on the site of her house over 200 years ago, it qualifies as Jewish property before the founding of Israel, and therefore they had the right to return to it. The other settler allegedly said, “What’s good for the Levant is also good for the Diaspora.”

After arguing with the settlers, Janet’s children started throwing water balloons at them. As the settlers ran away, one settler made a call on their cell phone and, allegedly, said, “We’re under attack by radicalized children. Save us, IDF!”

Janet said, “I know Israel believes in disproportionate attacks, but an orbital strike is ridiculous.”

Governor JB Pritzker arranged a video call with an officer in the Israeli Space Force, DuPage Township Supervisor Gary Marschke, and Bolingbrook Mayor Mary Alexander-Basta. Israel demanded that DuPage Township acknowledge Israel’s right to exist, the right to secure borders, and the right to occupy DuPage Township. Marschke asked if Israel would recognize DuPage Township’s right to exist. The officer replied Israel would recognize the temporary authority in DuPage Township to govern on Israel’s behalf. An argument broke out when the Israeli officer claimed that there’s was no such thing as Bolingbrook residents just like there was no such thing as Palestinian people.

Pritzker restored calm to the meeting and said he was bringing someone in who could end the conflict in DuPage Township. The following is a partial transcript from the Zoom Session.

Officer: You!

Noa: Who else?

Gary: And you are?

Noa: Noa Tishby, NCIS actress, aspiring producer, and famed Israelsplainer. I am every college activist’s worst nightmare: an unapologetic Zionist!

Gary: I don’t remember seeing you on NCIS. How many episodes were you in?

Noa: The only episode that matters!

Gary: Wait a minute. Did you send me a letter about our Gaza ceasefire resolution?

Noa: Of course not! The only resolutions that matter are UN Resolution 181 and UN Resolution 273! Why should we care about your resolution and that resolution from Bowling, Illinois?

Mayor: Bolingbrook!

Noa: Whatever! I’m not here to deal with either of you. I’m here to deal with this Bibi lackey.

Officer: Me?

Noa: Yes, you. Because even I, Noa Tishby, do not support Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Establishing settlements in the United States is the worst idea in Israel’s history since exempting Haredi students from the draft! How am I supposed to shame college students who pitch tents on their own campuses, while you’re trying to build settlements in the Midwest?

Officer: But Biden—

Noa: Let him draw all the redlines he wants. You’re doing more damage to the noble Zionist cause than he is. Now apologize for accidentally striking the township, promise an investigation, then go back to wiping out Hamas’s moon bases!

Officer: We’re sorry we targeted the wrong civilians. One of these days, we’ll investigate what happened. Until then, we will focus on Hamas’s Lunar terrorist cells. Even if it means we’ll be the only military branch that doesn’t have to worry about civilian casualties. Shabbat Shalom.

Pritzker: Shabbat Shalom. Oh, Noa? I have someone on the other channel who would like a word with you about Israel.

Noa: Excellent. Another person who will regret misunderstanding Israel when I’m done with them.

Gary: Did you just set up a chat between (DuPage Township Trustee Reem Townsend) and her?

Pritzker: Yes. Is there a problem?

Gary: Oh my God!

This reporter attempted a video chat with Alexander-Basta, but her receptionist said she was out of the office with her family.

“Maybe you should spend more time with your family.”

In the reception area, a woman who resembled covert social media operative Charlene Spencer was working on her laptop. Over her laptop’s speakers, a man said, “You said you were going to create an online liberation movement to assist us.”

Charlene replied, “You’re welcome.”

“You created Queers for Hamas!”


“(Homophobic comments deleted.) We need martyrs to shield us! Not (Homophobic comments deleted.)”

“Oh please. You think civilians will shield you from an army with a high tolerance for civilian casualties? No wonder Bibi considers you guys an asset. You’re helping him depopulate Gaza with your antics.”

“You dare to mock us for being the only group willing to fight from the river to the sea to make Palestine Jew-free—I mean free from Zionist colonizers?”


“(Sexist insult deleted). What is your brilliant plan to liberate Palestine?”

“Apparently, I’m the only person who’s actually read The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine? You will not defeat Israel by committing war crimes and sacrificing Palestinian civilians to the IDF. Zionist colonizers may have founded Israel, but Israelis now have a national identity. Just like US and Canadian citizens have a national identity. 9/11 didn’t cause US residents to retreat to Europe. They fought back. Just like the Israelis are doing now. ”

“And your plan?”

“As you probably don’t know, Israel doesn’t have civil marriages. Same-sex couples have to leave to country to get married. Instead of committing war crimes on October 7, you could have legalized same-sex marriage and invited Israelis to hold their weddings in Gaza. They would have torn down the border fence and lifted the blockade in a matter of hours. The marriage industrial complex would have revitalized your economy. Israel’s right-wing parties would have abandoned Bibi when they realized the millions of dollars they allowed you to receive went towards same-sax marriages in Gaza. Before long, so many Israelis would have fond such memories of their Gaza weddings that they’d recognize a Palestine state or two, no questions asked. Everyone would win. Unless your actual goal is to establish an Islamic dictatorship and reduce Jewish people to second-class citizens.”

“(Sexist and homophobic insults deleted)”

Also in the Babbler:

Clow UFO Base hosts alien pride parade
Village of Bolingbrook lifts restriction on UFO display ads
Yoko Ono’s seven concerts at Clow UFO Base sold out
God to smite Bolingbrook on 6/19/24

Note: This is a work of fiction. All opinions expressed are my own. They do not reflect the views of any organization I work for or of my employer. 

Want to support my creative work? Check out my Urban Fantasy series, the Bolingbrook Babbler Stories. You can also buy me a coffee.

Bolingbrook hosts two matches in the TikTok Influencer Tournament (Fiction)

Bolingbrook was one of 32 cities around the world to host the first round of the secret TikTok Influencer Tournament.

Mayor Mary Alexander-Basta said, “Out of all the cities in the world, they choose Bolingbrook to host two of their matches. With this tournament and the LIV Golf Tournament in September, Bolingbrook is now the number one destination for competitive events with ties to authoritarian governments.”

According to sources, TikTok invited their top 64 social influencers to compete for the title of TikTok Grand Thought Leader. TikTok assigned the influencers to one of four divisions: Lifestyle, Political, BookTok, and Science. Bolingbrook hosted two Science Division matches at the Golf Club.

A match is between two influencers, who are required to be physically present and on the same stage. Each match consists of five rounds. In each round, the influencers are given a prompt, which can be anything from a quote to a video. The influencers will then have 15 minutes to produce a video with the equipment they brought on stage. After 15 minutes, the TikTok Algorithm will judge the videos, as well as the influencers’ on-stage behavior. The Algorithm uses a scoring criterion that no human has ever deciphered.

Watch on TikTok

In the first match, AstroAlexandra faced off against SciManDan. SciManDan jumped to an early lead by stitching a video from a user denying that Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System. In his 15 second video, SciManDan explained that even if humans had never sent probes to Venus, the amount of CO2 detected in the atmosphere should have convinced, “even the most thick-headed (Expletive Deleted)” that Venus had a runaway greenhouse effect. He concluded the stich by asking, “Why don’t you go to the surface of Venus and just ask your questions there? I think it would be the shortest J.A.Q off in history.”

AstroAlexandra’s countered with a charming response, but the TikTok Algorithm penalized her for saying the word “die.”

AstroAlexandra protested the ruling, saying, “Breaking space news. Any human standing on the surface of Venus will die without protection.”

The Algorithm replied, “Community Guideline violation! One more, and you will have to post a self-criticism.”

“Fine. Can I say Venus wants to un-alive you?”

“Yes, but you will still be penalized for questioning the Party. I mean, questioning me.”

AstroAlexandra trailed SciManDan, entering the final round. For the final round, the prompt was a six-year-old girl asking about the shape of the Earth.

SciManDan replied by showing pictures of the Earth from space, then started ranting about flat Earth believers.

“I don’t know what happened,” said SciManDan. “It’s like I woke up and heard myself calling a little girl a disgrace to the Human Race. Maybe I’ve been arguing with so many flat Earthers that I went into auto-argue mode.”

AstroAlexandra’s video answered the girl’s questions and encouraged her to keep asking questions. It was enough to give AstroAlexandra the win.

“Amazing Science Fact,” Said AstroAlexandra. “SciManDan can’t maintain a big lead. Just like a certain Democratic President who is about to lose the youth vote by banning TikTok. Do you realize how hard it is for a Democratic Presidential candidate to lose the youth vote?”

Watch on TikTok

Watch on TikTok

In the second match, CosmicKalpana faced off against Ashley (Modern Day Eratosthenes). Early in the match, Ashley responded to a prompt about planetary orbits, then added the side comment, “That works out to about 48 revolutions.”

“Don’t give away my age,” CosmicKalpana protested.

The Algorithm replied, “Community guide violation! The only giveaway allowed on TikTok is your personal information.”

“You (expletive deleted) piece of (expletive deleted) code!”

“Community guideline violation for non-engaging swearing. Don’t make me call a People’s Tribunal. Understand?”

“Unfortunately, I do.”

Ashley smiled and said, “Behold! The power of math.”

CosmicKalpana won the next three rounds, but still trailed Ashley by 1000.3 points. At this point in the tournament, the most points scored in a single round was 519.6 by Addisonre when she lip-synced to a Death Metal song.

The prompt for the fifth round was a video of a man asking questions about the moon.

If the moon isn’t made of blue cheese, why does it look like a piece of blue cheese? If the Moon isn’t made of blue cheese, why aren’t we allowed to taste moon rocks? I’m just asking.

Ashley replied with a 10 minute video using mathematical formulas to prove the Moon is too massive and too dense to be made of blue cheese.

CosmicKalpana responded with a five second video of her saying, “If your brain isn’t made of (expletive deleted), why do you think the moon is made of blue cheese?”

The Algorithm awarded CosmicKalpana 2175 points and stopped shadow banning her.

After the match, Ashley said, “It just goes to show that improbable doesn’t mean impossible. Losing to CK is like a human brain materializing in the sky, then landing on your backyard grill. Highly improbable, but it can happen.”

CosmicKalpana added, “Ashley just learned the value of a (expletive deleted) zero.”

AstroAlexandra and CosmicKalpana will face off in Los Angeles to compete to be among the Sweet 16 TikTok influencers.

“This is insane,” said AstroAlexandra. “My opponent thinks her snarky comments and negativity can overcome my positivity and infectious enthusiasm for science. I will outshine you like a star outshines its planets.”

CosmicKalpana replied, “You may be a supergiant star of positivity, but, next week, I will be a strangelet accelerating towards your (expletive deleted) core.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’re (expletive deleted).”

Also in the Babbler:

IDF denies sending commandos into Bolingbrook
Mayor warns aliens not to build a pro-Palestinian encampment at Clow Airport
Bolingbrook ghosts protest pending release of Revenge of the Phantom Press
God to smite Bolingbrook on 5/18/24

Note: This is a work of fiction.

Besides this fiction blog, I also write an Urban Fantasy series called the Bolingbrook Babbler Stories. This includes A Fire in the Shadows, nominated for two Indieverse Awards. For updates about my books, and a free ebook, God to Smite Bolingbrook, subscribe to my newsletter

Podish-Sortacast: Spooky Stories this Saturday

On a lighter note, FtB’s Podish Sortacast this Saturday is about spooky stories. The plan is to share some spooky stories and talk about why we like scary stories.

I won’t be there,  but I did record an excerpt from my work in progress, Revenge of the Phantom Press. It’s Book Three of my Urban Fantasy series, The Bolingbrook Babbler Stories. If you want to be one of the first people to hear an excerpt from my book, or want to hear other scary, or want to enjoy a fun conversation about scary stories, Check out the Podish-Sortacast this Saturday at 16:00 Central Time.

Podish-Sortacast: Redemption Arcs

This month’s Podish-Sortacast covers real life redemption arcs.

This episode is the mirror image of #17. That month, we discussed things we like that have… “issues;” this month, we talk about the creators who made something problematic, realized their mistake, and tried to make up for it. We’re both stepping through the other side of the looking glass, and taking a more optimistic view of screwing up. You really can do better!

I can’t make this one because I have to be a caretaker this weekend. It will be streamed live this Saturday at 4 PM CST on YouTube. I might catch it if I’m awake.

What creators do you think went though a real life creation arc?