How does one begin to address strong issues of great importance delicately?
How does one point out to a fledgling organization that it does not practice what it seeks to preach to others without being termed a killer of dreams?
How does one get redress for a wrong done by a minority organization without being termed as malicious and vindictive?
How do we get people to understand that being a minority organization or a member of a minority group does not excuse you from objective criticism?
Bigotry, sexism, censorship, lack of regards for facts, misrepresentation, bullying should not rear its ugly head in a progressive organization, certainly not in an ATHEISTS organization, and if it reared its ugly head, this should not be welcomed or swept under the carpet.
No organization should claim a free pass from objective criticism because it is a minority, fledgling organization. If you want to preach reason and logic to the world as a group, be ready to practice what you preach starting from within your group. [Read more…]