Bolingbrook Antifa couple are like any other Bolingbrook residents (Fiction)

Note:  Names were changed to protect the subjects from harassment.

Bob and Jane have lived in Bolingbrook for years.  They bought their utensils from Meijer and their furniture from Ikea.  They love Bolingbrook’s many restaurants and have voted for Mayor Roger Claar in the past.

They also are members of Bolingbrook’s Antifa cell.  Antifa is a controversial collective of anti-fascism activists, some of whom advocate punching Nazis. Since the election of President Trump, Antifa membership has skyrocketed.  Bob and Jane, who love taking walks along Whalon Lake, joined the day after the election.

“My grandfather shot Nazis in World War II,” said Bob.  “Now people would be upset if I told them that I wanted to punch Nazis.  Most of the time, punching doesn’t kill people.  It’s like this country is overcome with Fascistic Reverence.”

“The Klan tried to burn a cross on my grandfather’s lawn,” said Jane.  “He took a garden hose and put out the fire.  Because he was white, they didn’t kill him.  Still, my grandfather knew the importance of using his privilege to protect those less fortunate than him.  I want to live up to his example.”

Bob and Jane love to eat at BD’s Mongolian Grill.  They love to make dishes with beef.  Jane feels that BD’s is the perfect metaphor for Bolingbrook.

“They have meats and spices from around the world, and you can combine them to create unique tasty dishes. Just like Bolingbrook has people from different backgrounds and ethnicities who come together to create a unique community.  Now imagine if the Nazis came here and tossed out the spices and foods that they thought weren’t ‘pure’ enough.  It would be boring.  Diversity is what makes BD’s and Bolingbrook great.”

They are both concerned about the direction the country is headed in since Trump’s election.

“Hillary Clinton won the popular vote,” said Jane.  “Yet the media is obsessed with interviewing Trump supporters and writing puff pieces about Nazis.  What kind of world do we live in where Antifa is considered a threat and Nazis are considered good people?”

Bob, who owns a lawnmower, says most of his Antifa work consists of monitoring social media sites to locate Nazis either operating in or threatening Bolingbrook.  “It’s boring but important work.  There are people out there who want to attack Bolingbrook, and we will respond rapidly if they do!”

As for why they’re involved in Antifa, Jane took this reporter out for a walk with her.  She waved at her neighbor, an immigrant from Pakistan, and her black neighbor.  “When the Nazis talk about ethnic cleansing, they’re talking about my neighbors and friends. I’m fighting for the future of our diverse community.”

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