NOFORN//TS//SCI Unredacted

Classified materials and their handling appears to still be a news story. Back in 2016, I wrote a bit [stderr] about Clinton (Hillary)’s personal email server, which was accurate as far as I could make it, but that story has been somewhat shaded by recent mis-handling stories. Having to watch journalist and lawyers on the topic can be extremely painful, because of my constant awareness that the information about how classification regimes work is out there and all you need to do is a day or 2 of research.

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Ignorant Pontificating

I’m going to declare this up front: I have no private knowledge about this topic; my beliefs are formed by a lot of study of the topic since 1978, a lot of strategy gaming, and a lot of news reading. Naturally, any commentary about nuclear strategy is going to be either a) ignorant except for open source material or b) muzzled by secrecy. I.e.: Those that talk about this stuff are ignorant, those that aren’t ignorant are silent.

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A Question Nobody Seems to Have Asked

You’ve got to dredge back into the past for this one. Remember, Trump versus Clinton, 2016. Right before the election (because DoJ never does anything right before an election that might influence it) Comey announced that they were going to search Anthony Weiner’s laptop for dick pics possibly classified emails between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton. Are you following?

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