The Kaspersky Konundrum

This is another story in the “things I am tracking but I am not sure what they mean, yet” file. Unfortunately, we won’t (probably) know for a year or two; there are still a lot of shoes to drop.

[Edit: I wrote this monday afternoon. Since then there have been new developments, which I will comment on at the bottom. The bit about hypothetical Mossad spies inside Kaspersky Labs was kidding, when I wrote it, I swear.]

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Hacking an Election

This is a pretty fair view into what the high-end hacker’s existence is like. There are blurry lines everywhere, so it’s a bit hard to even say what is “hacking” versus “marketing” or “information operations” – it’s complicated.

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Bayesianism and Russian Hacking

I made an oblique reference to Bayesian arguments in a postscript to a posting, [stderr] and hadn’t realized that HJ Hornbeck has already been digging into exactly that topic, using exactly that example. [hj1] [hj2] With all respect to HJ, I’m going to use his example as an opportunity to critique some of how Bayesian arguments are used in the skeptical community.

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