From the Webmaster: Do psychology and evolution mix?

By Wendy Onofrey
Webmaster for the Bolingbrook Babbler 

Our neighbors here at Freethought Blogs love to blog about Evolutionary Psychology.  HJ Hornbeck has the latest on a new EvoPsych paper.

I’m not a fan of EvoPsych. It manages the feat of misunderstanding both evolution and psychology, its researchers are prone to wild misrepresentation of fields they clearly don’t understand, and it has all the trappings of a pseudo-science. Nonetheless, I’ve always thought they had enough sense to avoid promoting scientific racism, at least openly.

[CONTENT WARNING: Some of them don’t.]

It’s a great post, though it probably means that if he ever visits Bolingbrook, we’ll have to keep him away from the EvoPsych house.

One year at FTB (Non-fiction)

A year ago, I took a chance and applied to join Freethought Blogs.  To my very pleasant surprise, I was accepted, and I’ve enjoyed the experience.  It is an honor to be able to contribute to a network I’ve been a fan of for years.

So thank you to the bloggers who took a chance on me, and thanks to all the readers who have visited.  I look forward to contributing more stories for a very long time.

If you want to help me celebrate a year on FTB, please consider donating to our legal defense fund.

Are you an atheist who used to believe in God? Take this survey! (Out of character)

If you used to believe in God, and have about 30 minutes to spare, you might want to take this survey by the Atheist Research Collaborative:

“The study is open to those who are at least 18 years of age, and those who once believed in god(s) but do not now; this means you are not eligible to participate if you have always been an atheist/nonbeliever. The survey is a maximum of 76 questions, and a minimum of 64 questions.  On average, the survey should take 20 to 30 minutes to complete, although individuals may find that it takes them more or less time than this, depending on their answers. The survey can be found here.”

Joseph Langston ARC Affiliate/Web Admin

it’s not hard, but remember to keep an eye out for the trick questions.

Fun with comments

I’ve decided to be brave and open up the comments a bit.  If I did it right, anyone who has a previously approved comment on this blog will be able to bypass the comments queue.

If you want, you can post a comment to see if I set it up correctly.