Amid controversy, Joshie Berger opens a restaurant at Clow UFO Base (Fiction)

OOC Note: My issue is with Joshie Berger, not any form of Judaism.

By Reporter X

Worst Cooks in America winner Joshie Berger refused to address assault allegations made by an ex-girlfriend as he opened a new restaurant at Bolingbrook’s Clow UFO Base.

“I don’t want to talk about an x-ray of a cracked eye socket.  I want to talk about the opening of Worst to First!  This is the story I want to tell.”

According to Berger, Worst to First features “Savory Secular Dishes with a dash of political incorrectness.”  He added, “I never am politically correct, and that’s why people love me.  You’ll also love my food.  Thanks to the Food Network, I’m now one of the best cooks in America, and visitors to Clow can enjoy my dogma-free dishes and say whatever they want.  No PC police allowed in my establishment!  Did I mention that I’m writing a book and I just found an interstellar publisher?”

DJ Grothe, former president of the James Randi Educational Foundation, and co-owner of Worst to First, sort of talked about the assault allegations against Berger.

“Both sides are wrong.  Sorry, wrong argument.  How do we know what is true?  The average person believes in UFOs, but all true rational people know that UFOs aren’t real.  Should we just take the word of someone without at least four rational witnesses?  I’m just playing devil’s advocate.  And despite what a certain sufferer of the ERA thinks, when I ran TAM, I never heard any complaints against Joshie within the prescribed time that I told every attendee about.  Any critic of post-modernism will agree with me.  So let’s stop talking about Facebook posts, and let’s unite the entire Atheist Movement behind Joshie’s cooking.”

During the opening day, the dishes received mixed reviews from the patrons.

Belzid, from the Kilitz Empire, said she loved her dish.  “I loved the Blackened Macaroni with American and Feta Cheese!  Most people would set a fire in the pan and walk away.  These noodles were burned with care!”

Zopastko, from the Polaris Alliance, did not like his dish.  “I ordered the BLT with fried lobster, and they gave me broiled lobster instead.  I was mad, but then Joshie came out and said a Yiddish word with his special accent.  How could I stay mad at him?”

While the opening night was busy, there was an incident when a human couple entered the restaurant.  Each one was wearing a faceplate.  Berger ran into the lobby and confronted them.

Berger:  You’re wearing face guards because you think I’m going to hit you, aren’t you?  Do you believe everything on the Internet?

Man:  Shalom Shabbat.  We —

Berger:  Shalom Shabbat?  It’s “Shabbat Shalom”. You’re (expletive deleted) Space Jews!

Woman:  We prefer to think of ourselves as members of the Interstellar Tribes of Israel.

Berger:  Well I prefer to think of you as Space Jews, and this is my place.  See the sign?  It says “No Political Correctness Allowed.”  So you’re Space Jews!

Woman: Maybe we should go elsewhere?

Berger:  Not yet.  You have to tell me why you’re wearing those things on your faces.

Man:  We are observing Parach today.

Berger:  Parach?

Woman:  Yes.  Centuries ago on Jaffa 4, all the plants suddenly experienced explosive growth.  The colony of David was covered under miles of branches and vines.  The inhabitants were down to a single tank of air.  So the survivors put on their respirators and prayed.  The tank only had enough air for one hour.

Man:  But a miracle occurred.  You know who spared the people of David, and the tank supplied seven days of air.  That was long enough for a rescue party to cut their way into the colony.

Woman:  So every time this year we wear replica respirators to remind ourselves that you know who is merciful as well as vengeful.  We might stay if you serve Jaffa kosher food.

Berger:  There’s no Kosher food of any kind served here, and what’s with all this “you know who” shtumpik?  How can you be a Space Jew and believe in God?

Man:  How could we see the marvels of the universe and not believe in you know who.  It is disrespectful to say His name.

Berger:  God!  God!  God!  God!

Man: You’re a schmuck, and we’re leaving.

Berger:  You’re the schmuck!  I’m the most famous gambler and cook in the skeptical movement.  People say I’m charming.  They say I’m funny.  That’s why I’m famous.  They can take away my social media accounts, but they can’t take away my restaurant.  And they can’t take away my guest spot on the Skeptics Guide to the Universe!  They have to have me on, even though I defected to the Illuminati.  Why?  Because I’m Joshie Berger and no true human being hates me!”

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