Praise the Dogs

When humans finally wipe themselves out, they’ll probably do so much splash damage that they take down the entire planetary ecosystem, which means that the other animals – which had nothing to do with causing the disaster – will suffer, too.

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Sunday Sermon: Blogger’s Disorder

Blogging forces your own adequacy in your face, and if you’re a skeptical blogger, you wind up examining it closely to make sure your assessment of your own mediocrity is not too full of confirmation bias. Then, you turn to the list of things in your head that you want to write about, and wonder if you can do them justice.

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Of Course This Was Going to Happen

The intelligence state has not been collecting data for its own entertainment; they have to find a use for it. Remember back to when the Bush administration’s secret interception program was disclosed? Probably the most painful bit of news in it was that the NSA wasn’t (yet) capable of doing anything particularly interesting or useful with the data.

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