Argument Clinic: Pass Me a Clip of Steel-Core Invective

Here at Argument Clinic we are trying to eschew ableist invective, since it is almost always inaccurate and causes “splash damage.” Our recommendation to the huddled masses is to resort to using the most deadly insult of all, namely: Truth. But what do we do with ‘Stupid’?

We know you need our guidance, but we have to admit that we are transfixed in Lovecraftian dread at the tendrils of doubt that are wrapping tighter and tighter around our left ankle.

Is this the right room for an argument?

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I Get A Box

I get a lot of stuff in the mail, because I’m always collecting components for various projects. Today I went to the post office and there was a large box that was very heavy. It didn’t make sense because I usually don’t order anything that’s going to be very heavy, for when I am away; if I’m away for more than a couple of days, my neighbor up the street collects my mail for me, and I don’t want to overload her.

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I See Tail-Lights

Traffic in Sao Paolo is impressive. Worse than Moscow!

When your GPS says it’s going to take 2hr to go 25km, and gives you an 81km alternate route… well nobody’s speeding. Or moving, really.

White House Tales – 1

“Does anyone here know anything about ‘firewalls’?” asked Steve Walker, the CEO of Trusted Information Systems (TIS). If you read Mechanizing Proof [stderr] stw crops up a couple of times – he was one of the proponents of trustworthy design through formal verification, and TIS produced an evaluated version of UNIX known as Trusted Xenix.

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