Commentariat(tm) member invivoMark made a plug for this game, and I am very glad they did. [stderr] [This review/extended comment does not include spoilers.] [Read more…]
Commentariat(tm) member invivoMark made a plug for this game, and I am very glad they did. [stderr] [This review/extended comment does not include spoilers.] [Read more…]
I’m a hoarder of certain things; I admit it. Somewhere I have source tapes for Peter Langston’s Empire game, just in case someone wants to reconstruct that piece of history for a modern system.
I’m not going to quote big swathes of this, because you should just give it a listen.
Lately, I’ve been playing The Outer Worlds and enjoying it a great deal. It’s the essence of a first-person role-play shooter. It’s also got great design elements, a certain hipsterish wry humor, and it feels slightly soulless.
I’m a big fan of cooperative computer games, but I’m not inclined to join guilds (aside from the Fuel Rats, but that was kind of an odd situation). So what do you do when your friends start playing Call of Duty?
Bulk mailing a big chunk of Pennsylvania has to be a bit expensive, right? Or maybe not. Perhaps I should write some of my own poetry and bulk mail everyone; then I can claim I am “widely published” or something.
This is a really fascinating, if highly specialized, book about an important topic.
I recommend Nell Irvin Painter’s The History of White People. [wc] It’s a valuable anodyne to all of the racist propaganda I have been ingesting and studying over the last few years. My approach to American racism has been to deconstruct its sources; Painter’s (in this book) is to demonstrate how it was constructed, and its sources. She puts the pieces together so you can see how they were assembled, and its an ugly picture.
This is one picture from the Saturn-V that I forgot to post. It’s worth it in its own right, in my opinion.
One of my favorite podcasts is the In Our Time BBC podcast. It’s Melvyn Bragg questioning a truly amazing collection of experts on a very wide range of topics, and having tea.