Boko Haram kills in the name of God, AGAIN; Nigerians pray to God for solution, AGAIN.

The notorious Islamist terrorist group, ‘Boko Haram’, strikes again in the name of Allah, this time killing more than a hundred bomb-m-1people and leaving hundreds more injured with some lying critically ill in the hospital.  In the early hours of Monday 14th April, 2014, members of the religious terrorist group, Boko Haram, sets off a bomb in a crowded bus park in Nyanya,  a highly populated area in the outskirts of the federal capital territory, Abuja.

This is not the first time the barbaric group has committed such atrocities in Abuja. In recent past, their bombs have also gone off in  Yobe, Nasarawa,Borno, Kaduna etc. killing thousands of innocent people including school children. In the face of the seemingly helplessness of security agencies to curb the atrocities of this menacing, religious fanatic group that originated from the Northern part of the country, Nigerians are left fearing for their lives.

Sadly, waking up to the news that another Boko Haram bomb has gone off and killed many innocent people is no longer news. Seeing maimed arms, legs and rolling heads amidst burnt debris seems like a routine show now. Many Nigerians on social media scamper to post the goriest pictures of the victims of the latest bomb blast on facebook and twitter, leaving one to wonder if they derive a sort of macabre pleasure in these gory pictures. These pictures are posted without even a trigger warning alert. This act does nothing but diminish our humanity.

One other constant in this story of Boko Haram is how it always ends with the average Nigerian making comments like “May God take control”, “God will punish the evil doers”, “God will save us“ etc. When the President of the country also claim that God is in control and his political advisers issue statements saying God will punish the evildoers, what hope do Nigerians have? Well, better to get in touch with this God and make a personal deal, right?  A deal that goes like “Keep me and my family safe and I will worship you, pray to you, pay my tithes and obey you”. It seems this God is the closest we have to Superman.  Better to obey this ‘all knowing’, ‘all powerful’  Skydaddy than put hope on a government that obviously also depends on this Skydaddy to find solutions to the menace caused by people killing for Skydaddy.  The WTF of it all is as ironic as it is sad.

Nigerians pray to God to curb the menace that is Boko Haram. Many scuttle to their pastors to recite over and over again the prayer point of the week. No doubt some of the victims of the terrorists’ bomb blast must have recited their prayer of the week, but of course that did not stop them from being made mincemeat of by the deadly, barbaric, religious terrorist group.boko_haram561_2

The Islamist terrorists believe they are serving the will of Allah by declaring religious wars on infidels. The so called ‘infidels’ on the other hand know that their government has failed in providing credible security, therefore they end up seeking solace in the words of pastors. These pastors peddle anointing oils and give them prayer points in exchange for a full bowl of offering that keep the pastor in luxury, some offerings are even bountiful enough to provide some elites pastors with their own private jets.

The vicious circle of God delusion goes on. One end believes it is its duty to kill for God, so it goes on a killing rampage leaving many dead and majority fearing for their lives. The government can’t be trusted to provide security against this bandit of terrorists; therefore the people turn to God for protection. They go in droves to churches, mosques and shrines to seek divine protection. Their patronage makes the ‘Men of God’ more in demand thereby conferring power and respectability on the so called men of God. A power they in turn use to milk the vulnerable of their hard earned money, influence public policies and call for the persecution of lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transsexuals.

The unprotected masses that are already victims of the corruption and inane policies of the government fear that they might be the next victim of Boko Haram. ‘Men of God’ feed on this fear. This fear of the unknown pays their bills and keeps them in business. In a vicious, circular way, this leads back to God or rather the God delusion.

Boko Haram kills for God, the pastors sell protection in the name of God, maybe God is indeed the solution, after all God is at the heart of the problem.

Definitely demystifying the God myth would put an end to people hiding under its name to kill or sell Imaginary cures. It is said 422578_10150654291961873_639253793_nthat those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. If we stopped believing in the absurdity called God, we will at least stop committing atrocities in its name and stop empowering ‘Men of God’, whose main aim is to prey on the vulnerable.

And talking of ‘Men of God’, let’s hope the Archbishop of Canterbury is not once again, preparing an eulogy blaming this latest killing of Boko Haram on the legalization of Samesex marriage in western countries.33770_167366599945211_100000156154826_637981_5432461_n407171_2699056189303_1043602147_2867789_1434976931_n


  1. says

    To these terrorists any education would be a form of enlightenment. They are just narrow minded bored men with high testosterone and guns and can’t get sex the normal way so they kidnapped these girls. I bet they are raping them and that was the real motive for kidnapping them. Not because they were against education. If they are against sin anyway, why are they murdering, kidnapping and terrorizing innocent law abiding citizens people. The nature of the means reflects the nature of the cause and also determines the nature of the result. What do they wish to achieve through all their dedicated violence, destruction, hatred, and ignorance? I am 100% certain nothing good will ever come of it. They may as well all be delivery boys for the devil himself.

  2. Meggamat says

    It surely cannot be a coincidence that religion is found at the heart of so many violent altercations.

  3. daemondada says

    Thank you for sparing the time to read my letter. I have
    incontrovertible proof from the New Testament that
    Christianity is outdated/outmoded/expired. I kid you not. And no it’s not about unfulfilled prophecies or inaccuracies or irreconcilable differences rather a total and upfront admittance by the Bible that entry into heaven is officially over! Could you help me, using your legal contacts, get some broadcast time on CNN, BBC, AL JAZEERA etc? It is my belief that once Christianity is once and for all time rendered null and void, the animosity of straight folks to the GLBT community would be greatly reduced and fences can then be mended in an atmosphere of rational, scientific discourse. Also the exploitation of the vulnerable sheep by “Men of God” will surely be a thing of the past. Please respond ASAP!

  4. Yemisi Ilesanmi says

    @ daemondada Wrote-

    Thank you for sparing the time to read my letter. I have incontrovertible proof from the New Testament that Christianity is outdated/outmoded/expired. I kid you not. And no it’s not about unfulfilled prophecies or inaccuracies or irreconcilable differences rather a total and upfront admittance by the Bible that entry into heaven is officially over!

    If believers, be they Christians, Muslims or traditional religion practitioners respect rational thinking, then there won’t be any religious believers. Faith is not about reason, it is about shutting your eyes to reason and this is why it is called faith not knowledge. Attempting to prove that Christianity is outdated is like trying to use Batman comics to prove that Batman once existed. The fact is Batman just like God is a figment of human’s imagination. The fact that a whole series of book is dedicated to the character does not make it real, it still remains a fiction. The bible is a fictional book; the most you can use the bible, Quran or any other so called Holy book for is to show just how badly and morally corrupt man has created Gods over the centuries.

    “It is my belief that once Christianity is once and for all time rendered null and void, the animosity of straight folks to the GLBT community would be greatly reduced and fences can then be mended in an atmosphere of rational, scientific discourse. Also the end of the exploitation of the vulnerable sheep by “Men of God” will surely be a thing of the past”

    Christianity is not the only religion that thrives on spreading ignorance and violating the fundamental rights of believers and nonbelievers alike. So many other Religions including Islam and traditional religions are also guilty of this. Therefore trying to render Christianity ‘Null and void’ is not going to solve these problems. Christianity is already by default ‘null and void’ by reason, it only remains for its practitioners to embrace reason and see just how null and void their superstitious beliefs are.

    Religions of all kinds tend to create fear through ignorance and feed on this to prey on the vulnerable. Just today, a card was slipped through my post. It has the name and number of someone who claims to be an African spiritualist who has the power to solve all problems including spiritual attacks, health related problems like barrenness, high blood pressure, penile erection problems, poverty etc. Needless to say, it went straight into my trash can, but be rest assured that before the end of the day, the man might have hooked a victim or two. So Christianity is not just the problem, Religion is the problem. . Ignorance is the problem. And the way to combat these problems is by making knowledge accessible to everyone and doing your bit to encourage critical thinking.

    Could you help me, using your legal contacts, get some broadcast time on CNN, BBC, AL JAZEERA etc?

    I am sure those media houses you mentioned have contacts info on their website, feel free to contact them. Also, you can always use the social media like Facebook, twitter or starting your own blog to share your ideas and findings with the world. Best wishes.

  5. Yemisi Ilesanmi says

    @daemondada, you left the stupid comment below on my recent post, needless to say, it went straight into the trash can.

    You’ve been shooting your mouth for a loooong time now giving it large on how you don’t fear God. I now present an opportunity for you to hit the death blow to the God conspiracy and dispatch the fear of the Afterlife to nonexistence once and for all time and you play deaf and dumb? You are not result oriented. Maybe, as most women I know, you just love hearing the sound of your own voice. That and feeling smarter than your “ignorant” readers. I’m outta here.

    It is either you are high on drugs or just that you have gaping holes where your brain should be. Whatever makes you think I owe you an audience or an introduction to BBC, CNN or Al Jazeera as you requested?

    You really are a deluded ignoramus. I am not surprised that you are also a sexist bigot as well. As I recall, you used the word ‘cunt’ to describe someone you were having an argument with on my other post. When people use ‘cunt’ as an insult, I know their IQ is too low for me to engage intellectually with.

    You probably assumed that since you wanted to prove christianity null and void using the bible, i would jump to be friends with you. Gosh, how stupid. Even your comment was very stupid .

    Also, leaving that same comment on at least three of my posts shows just how desperately stupid you are.I am not friends with people who take pride in saying stupid things. I don’t automatically become friends with everyone who proclaim they don’t believe in God or don’t like christianity, the statement in itself does not make you automatically intelligent or a person of good character. Your beliefs don’t make you a good person, your character does. And you have a lousy character, bigoted and sexist character.

    You are just a confused but also very stupid being. BTW, you might consider removing the ‘apostle’ from your email addy, it sends out your ignorant vibes. Also, I never forced you to be on my wall, you were already placed on moderation, but now, you go straight to the trash can.

    The problem is people like you think they know, whereas you know nothing , unfortunately you won’t shut up until you have displayed your ignorance to the whole world. I am allergic to ignorance therefore you cannot display your ignorance on my wall, Bye asshole, you are so blocked. 🙂

  6. Alli ibrahim says

    @deamondada are you crazy and blind, what is special about the most selling books of all times and heir comics recites by today’s people, in the bible, it said my people perished because they lack knowledge, in the quran the word peace is mentioned more than war, asides that, what is it that is freaking you fools out, are you black? And if you are i bet, you can’t do without anything imported, imported clothes, shoes, foods and even religion, is it not worth to think their is no such thing as the big white beard man sometimes, seating and watching the world crumble at his feet because of conflicting belief and interests,for your information, some scientist are on the case of starting a new world in mars, for the fact till now that i am writing this post, no one has ever been to mass, except robots sent on a mission to find the trace of life”water”, and once found they can decided if its clones of people they will start making their to star a new world, but come to think of it, if the trace of life is finally found and they successfully created robotic beings living over there or clones, who will those being look up to as God? Did i hear you say people from earth, well that might have been our story here too, that is why u should be concerned when they talk about ufo sightings and alien visits. I’m just saying, no one is crucifying you for believing in God in they name of fairness, so why would you remark anyone of their belief? You are a damn crazy kid of some fooled parents. Trace your step in history and hold it not compromise it, obviously you are another sell out ofmthe human race. Foooool.

  7. Alli ibrahim says

    The religions are not the problem, the people’s worst enemies are theirselves, under generalisation i campaign for mental emancipation, still everyone has a right to decide their own destiny, but never look down on any contrary person. Great minds talks about ideas on how to set the human race free from imposed beliefs and not fight for ideology superiority, @deamondada, your actions from now on should be liberal.


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