Recently, “Banksy” on twitter posted a bad meme, which inspired a furious, brief, friendly debate between me and a friend. I’d love to hear your opinions, as well.
Recently, “Banksy” on twitter posted a bad meme, which inspired a furious, brief, friendly debate between me and a friend. I’d love to hear your opinions, as well.
I made an oblique reference to Bayesian arguments in a postscript to a posting, [stderr] and hadn’t realized that HJ Hornbeck has already been digging into exactly that topic, using exactly that example. [hj1] [hj2] With all respect to HJ, I’m going to use his example as an opportunity to critique some of how Bayesian arguments are used in the skeptical community.
In the wake of the latest terror attack, Theresa May was quick to begin banging the surveillance state’s favorite rhythm.
If we read history with some attention, we shall see that Christianity, fawning at first, insinuated itself among the savage and free nations of Europe but by showing their chiefs that its principles would favor despotism and place absolute power in their hands.
Putin may be great at the dictating and the judo, but for a former KGB officer, his trade-craft is not very good.
I’m not entirely sure if this is serious.
The International Journal of Science, Spirituality, Business and Technology (IJSSBT) is an excellent, intellectual, peer reviewed journal that takes scholarly approach in creating, developing, integrating, sharing and applying knowledge about all the fields of study in Engineering, Spirituality, Management and Science for the benefit of humanity and the profession. [ijssbt]
Hic segetes, illic veniunt felicius uvae;
arborae foetus alibi, atque insuffa virafeunt
Gramina. Non vides, croceos ut Timolus odores,
India mittit ebur, molles fua thura Sabeai?
Ut Chalybes nudi ferrum, virofaque Pontus
Castorea, Eliadum palmas Epirum equaorum?
Here we will use the translation of Abbe Dellisle, of which the elegance is worthy of its difficulty.
Back in December, 2016, the US Government officially punished Russia by closing down their beautiful love-shack on the Chesapeake Bay. [stderr] [Read more…]
Military high explosives are pretty stable, except for when they start to break down. Any of you who’ve read any Derek Lowe [lowe] are aware that most high explosives involve nitrogen and oxygen that want to change state and release lots of energy very fast: the more nitrogen and oxygen, the bigger the bang. It’s never “safe” to work with, though, even the more stable formulations – once the reaction starts, it’s going to finish.
Apparently an artist came up with the idea of making shoes that look like pigeons, in order to get closer to pigeons.