Uncommon Sense

If the world is destroyed, it will be a white-collar crime, done in a business-like way, by large numbers of individuals involved in a chain of actions, each one having a touch of innocence.

Howard Zinn

– From Dow Shall Not Kill

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I’ve come across Uncommon Sense – a book of quotes from the speeches and writings of Howard Zinn [amazon] – it is a fabulous “toilet tank book”, something you can read in those short pauses to contemplate.

Bolting Stuff Down

My first grinder was a dual-wheel 1/16hp bench grinder I got at a yard sale for $5 in 1976. It turned on and off with a little switch that was between the wheels – perfectly set up so you could catch the sleeve of your hoodie in the spinning wheels and make a great mess. Luckily it was only 1/16hp.

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Who Knew They Were So Cheap

You can buy a cop’s soul for a measly $3,000-$6,000. I hope every one of them realizes how their bosses and unions have just debased them. They probably don’t care – if they were the kind of people who care, they wouldn’t be cops. If you recall, I believe that being a cop is one of the handful of inherently immoral jobs [stderr].

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Sandy Blight Junction

One of The Commentariat(tm) suggested I might want to read Len Beadell’s various works about the times he spent in the outback surveying roads for the Australian nuclear weapons program, and other things. By the time I was a few pages in to Beating Around The Bush [amazn] I was transfixed with a mix of horror and awe.

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