All of the western nations have been caught in a lie; a lie of their pretended humanism.
All of the western nations have been caught in a lie; a lie of their pretended humanism.
… to deliver you your slap on the wrist. Naturally, it will be delivered on the wrist of a subordinate of your choosing, at a time that is convenient for you.
In 2009 I was a consultant to a company that produces cop cameras and nonlethal weapons. My remit was specific: they were setting up a cloud service and wanted a security design expert to review their system.
You might call me a “progressive” because my views and preferred outcomes generally align with many people’s idea of a “progressive.”
Don’t worry, this is not going to be another of those “video games are not a problem because: Japan” postings; there are plenty of those.
It sickens me to see congress, whose specialty is offering “thoughts and prayers” while taking NRA money, jumping all over Trump’s bloated ass for refusing to contextualize the shootings in Texas and Ohio as “white supremacist terrorism.”
Back in the 1980s, the US was looking for a new ground support aircraft. See if you can contain your surprise; they bought the most expensive option on the market, the A-10.
When I worked at Digital, my boss, Fred A., and I attended a special briefing about new technology that was coming out.
‘It snuck up on us’: Scientists stunned by ‘city-killer’ asteroid that just missed Earth [wp]
Americans don’t seem to realize how completely inauthentic campaign rallies and caucuses are. Consequently, we have a huge discussion about what Trump said or didn’t say, supported or didn’t support. I hate it when people who know something is bullshit pretend that it’s not, because they’re committing bullshit too.