No Longer A Friend!

Once upon a time34345_134248066609157_121692274531403_220195_5284313_a

In another clime

I could call you a friend

Together we chart the trends

We built castles with stars

In laughter and in tears

Pain and pleasure we shared

Two but as one we paired

Because you were my friend

But now you are a fiend!


What happened to our bond?

No longer by friendship bound?

No more secrets and trust to share

Friendship shield lost to snares

My pain is no longer your pain

My joy now cause for your strain

Life is a travesty

Growing up our tragedy

Achievements in reverse

A reason for a big divide

Life dealing cards

Without regards

Another friend in the deck

Forever lost to life’s cards!


It is hard saying goodbye in the storm

To friendship in its purest form

It is now time for adult “friends”

Where power determines the fiends

The higher I fly the more friends I have

Sink lower and the friends are halved11-fr-1ff7f47f59942e6d7f35b4824e361a68--1315181597-772030490--bd29a765e36c821409f8fee94a44d645.jpg--

With every sinking hole they fled

Until there is no one to call a friend

True friendship is now a luxury

Almost out of reach like Mercury

Echoes of a distance past in childhood

Sacrificed on the harsh realities of adulthood

Be my friend for what is worth

Just be true no matter what!



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