Why Are Many Nigerian Christians So Senseless? Part 1


I often receive some very ignorant comments from believers, mostly Nigerian Christians who pompously inform me that I am going to burn in hell for not accepting Jesus Christ as my personal saviour. They claim if I do not stop campaigning for equal rights for all, which basically mean, I should stop the ‘gay agenda’ of promoting lesbians, gays , bisexuals and transsexuals as PERSONS entitled to human rights,  I will feel the wrath of their all merciful, all loving but obviously vengeful and insecure in his sexuality God. Oh, how they love calling me a fool because their precious bible claims anyone one who says there is no God is a fool. However, I must say, this comment on my fb wall by a deluded Christian is a prime example of just how senseless many Nigerian Christians are.

omololu alejo new

Yemisi Ilesanmi the anti Christ. I am sure that you are a vessel of the devil in this end time but we are specially annoited and commissioned to frustrate and fail you.

OK, let’s forget that he got the spelling of ‘anointed’ wrong, although that is quite funny because that word is always on the lips of Nigerian Christians, e.g. “I am anointed” , “Anointing fall on me” and the very popular “Buy your anointing oil!”

I will proceed to critically scrutinize this comment as it shows the level of religious ignorance the average Nigerian Christian suffers from.


Yemisi Ilesanmi the anti Christ.-

Who in their right mind still call people ‘Antichrist’? If, not accepting the blue eyed, sexy blonde Jew who hangs half-naked on your neck makes me an Antichrist, are the over 5 billion human inhabitants of this planet earth who are not Christians also the Antichrist?  Are we all going to burn in hell for not worshiping your God? You cannot use the word “Antichrist” and expect any intelligent person to take you seriously. You really come across as the epitome of ignorance when you accuse someone of being an ‘Antichrist’.

 I am sure that you are a vessel of the devil in this end time.

Really, Vessel of the devil?  Na locomotive, manual or electronically operated Vessel? Leave it to Nigerian Christians who are yet to free themselves from mental slavery to use such description.

And this “end times” scary business, has it not always been end times?  If you truly believe you are living in end times wouldn’t you move into a monastery or church to avoid temptations and wait for the rapture? Or don’t you want to ascend into heaven with your darling lover, the sexy Jesus Christ?

You scream it is end times because some people say your God is only a figment of your deluded and colonized imagination. You think because gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals are demanding the same right you enjoy as a citizen, it must be endtimes. You believe legalizing same sex marriage is a sign of the end times. Funny, but did you not know that Jesus had two daddies?

Yes Jesus daddies were your precious God and the poor carpenter, Joseph, who had his fiancé raped and impregnated by Holy Ghost. Well, Jesus turned out fine except for that period when he thought he was, you know, the son of the creator of the universe, although, in all fairness, he was quite confused (No, he was not confused because he was bisexual, his bisexuality has nothing to do with his confused state of mind!).

One minute he said he was the son of God, then the next he said he was both the son and the father, you know, that holy trinity shitty business, where your precious Jesus is his own father, impregnated his own mother to give birth to himself, so that he could save your unborn ass from the sins he claimed your white ancestors committed in a garden of Eden where snakes used to talk.  What a story!

You do not think teaching such fables as facts in our public schools is the sign of ‘end-times’, but telling you that this story was the frenzied imagination of some dessert dwelling men and the people who colonized you is? Really, how much more senseless can you be?


but we are specially annoited and commissioned to frustrate and fail you

Now, this is the epitome of the senselessness of your average Nigerian Christian. Of all the imaginary anointing possible, this one is proud to be “anointed and commissioned to frustrate and fail” Yemisi Ilesanmi.

He was not anointed to heal the world, to find a cure for cancer, to end poverty, he was not even anointed to fight Boko Haram that are slaughtering his fellow Christians in Nigeria, but he is proud to proclaim that his special anointing is to “frustrate and fail” Yemisi Ilesanmi the “antichrist”. Even your God must think you are useless if, of all the responsibilities in the world, this is the anointing he chose to give you!


What is so pathetic is that, this is the type of mindset that allows a rich country like Nigeria to spiral downhill.


484898_433952073352485_1826309972_nWhile the fanatic islamist Boko Haram goes on the streets to slaughter Christians and innocent people to earn 72 virgins in heaven and score a point in the name of their pedophile prophet, the average Nigerian Christian is content to bask in the delusion of a special anointing. They are content to buy anointing oil from their pastors’ vineyard, pay their pastors to turn the oil into some magic portion, dab it on their forehead and pronto, that is their armour against bullets, accidents, corrupt government, rising unemployment, poverty and their evil step mother (always an evil step mother, never an evil step father).

Even the foreign missionaries that brought Christianity to Africa knew that they had to invade with weapons and devise ways to hijack the land and cart off many able-bodied Africans into slavery. They did not just rely on anointing oil; they created their anointing oil in the form of superior physical weaponry, not some imaginary floating skydaddy weaponry.  The white haired skydaddy was mental weaponry that is still working. Lazy Nigerian Christians still do not understand how the game is played. They are content to sit in their corner of the world and sigh “God is in control”.

Nigerian Christians bask in the euphoria of a special anointing, with a big ego that makes them feel they are special because they have Jesus. They brandish the bible like some sort of talisman to ward off so-called ‘evil spirits’.  Don’t they even know that the bible says they are inferior beings and the very blackness of their skin, a curse?

And for the women who sing their heart out in church and dance like their life depends on it, did they ever read the part that says they are subhuman, not equal to a man and must not speak in public? Really, how senseless do you look preaching and praising a book that claims you are less than equal to another human being?


Now, to go back to this anointing business, if a Boko Haram member left a message on the wall of a Christian that he is specially anointed and commissioned to frustrate and fail the Christian, would it not be seen as a terrorist act?

Would other Christians not cry out and demand that the state protect them from this fanatic Islamist?

Why then is it acceptable for Christians to send such ‘threatening’ messages to atheists?  Double standards?

Wait a minute, could it be that everyone suspects that the average Nigerian Christian is just as useless as they come.  Maybe even deep down the Christian knows there is nothing like a ‘special anointing’. This special anointing business is just a cover for their helplessness, a fear they are not willing to face, since the thought of a superman or skydaddy figure watching over them from the clouds, shields them from facing the harsh realities of the world they live in.

Nevertheless, the tragedy is, even if the special anointing of this wilfully ignorant Christian is a figment of the imagination, even if he is not actively throwing stones and bombs at ‘antichrists’, there are many other ways these Christians harm non-believers.

Take for instance; what if I happened to be at the mercy of this guy who thinks his special anointing is to frustrate and fail me?

What if this guy is my boss, would my employment still be secured?

What if I had a job interview and this guy seats at the other end, do you honestly think he would recommend me for the job even if I met all the criteria?

What if I was homeless, hungry and dying, do you think this guy who claims his special anointing is to frustrate and fail me would offer a hand of help?

If he did offer help, you can be sure that it would come with a condition attached, and of course, that condition would be that I first accept Jesus Christ as my personal lord and saviour.

Of course, you can be sure that he would give me a lecture on how all my travails are a backlash from my mocking Jesus and saying there is no God.

He would be so pleased to tell me that all my calamities are God’s ways of showing me his supremacy, as He is ‘Papa God’, the lord of the universe, He who must not be mocked.

Really, what person of ethics, with an iota of morality rejoices at the misfortunes of others and claims it is God’s way of showing his superiority. It takes a special brand of senselessness to find joy in such dastardly acts.

Now, the point is, even though the average Nigerian Christian does not have the conviction of his religion to go out there and throw stones and bombs at the antichrists, there are many other ways your average Nigerian Christian terrorizes those who do not share their faith. They economically frustrate, politically castrate and socially estrange atheists. These are all acts of terrorism.

Nigerian Christian terrorism is when thousands of churchgoers watch and applaud their pastor as he publicly slaps a defenseless young girl whom he accuses of witchcraft. Christian terrorism is when Catholic Popes and priests cover up the rape of altar boys. Terrorism is when you send atheists threatening messages or refuse to employ an atheist even when they are qualified for the job. Religion terrorism is when you oppose public appointments of atheists because they do not share your faith.

The average Nigerian religious believer would definitely not vote for an atheist even if the atheist would help grow the economy, fight poverty, ensure stable power supply, improve national security and provide employment.

Senseless Nigerian Christians are concerned about their special anointing to frustrate and fail the Antichrists who demand for equal rights for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals. They are not concerned about devising practical means to change their oppressive government whose policies are responsible for the hardships that is frustrating this one life they have. While everything around them falls apart, they are content to dream of a better world somewhere in the clouds even though none of them wants to die, heck, none of them even wants the rapture to happen.  Really, why are so many Nigerian Christians so senseless?


 Related Links- 

Why Are Many Nigerian Christians So Senseless? (Part 2)


  1. George Peterson says

    Actually, think the term “Anti-Christ” originally translated as “Non-Christian.” That’s the way it’s used in The Revelation of St. John. It’s only much later that it came to refer to what is actually called, “The Beast.”

    So yes, all 5 billion or so of us non-Christians are technically Anti-Christs! Cool, eh?

  2. CaitieCat says

    I think there’s a word too many in your post title, given my own experience of Christians here in Canada.

    The extraneous word is “Nigerian”. Granted, Teh Stupid takes different forms here and there somewhat, but it comes from the same mental bizarreness, believing in the contradictory all-loving and completely fearworthy Skywizard of Uz.

  3. pandora says

    So true….It’s amazing how many “Very Special And Personal Godly Annointings” are virtually indistinguishable from “behaving like an asshole.”

    And is there a reason Nigerian fundies don’t want the rapture? Plenty here in the U.S. actively cheer for the return of turbo-jesus. Maybe our rapture mythology promises more goodies for the horribly oppressed Christians.

  4. Yemisi Ilesanmi says

    @George Peterson -- From Non Christian to ‘The Beast, cool. Let’s hope there is room in hell for all 5 billion plus of us, including the Christians that don’t make it into heaven, which i guess would make that hell population about 7 billion. Yuk, I would love to get away from the Christians for once; I can’t be stuck in hell for eternity with fundies!

  5. Yemisi Ilesanmi says

    @CaitieCat- Do Christian Canadians also use the word Antichrist often? I am just disgusted that many Nigerian Christians throw around that word with such pomposity that leaves me with this urge to slap some sense into their arrogantly stupid face. When I argue LGBT rights with most other Christians i encounter from other regions, they mostly talk about the “God created Adam and Eve’ stupid thingy, they hardly call me an Antichrist. But your average Nigerian Christian immediately calls anyone who supports LGBT rights, an Antichrist. Where do you even begin a rational debate with such a person?

  6. Yemisi Ilesanmi says

    @pandora -- Nigeria fundies probably don’t want the rapture because they know that even if the promise of an afterlife is true, they most probably wouldn’t meet the laid down criteria for making it into heaven, so they would end up in hell like the gays they so much condemn and threaten with hell. Let’s just say, they are aware they won’t be raptured to spend eternity with Skydaddy.

  7. Lou Norman says

    [Hi Yemisi: Spotted the following article on the web and would love your reaction to it.]

    USA -- from Puritans to Impure-itans

    Is there a connection between beautiful New England and entire American cities turned into smoking rubble? There is.
    Take same-sex marriage. I would have guessed that a “sin” city (San Francisco? Las Vegas?) would have been the first to legalize it.
    Oddly it’s been the place where America started that’s wanted to be the first place to help bring about the end of America and its values! It’s been a Nor’easter of Perversion (helping to fulfill the end time “days of Lot” predicted in Luke 17) that began in (you guessed it) Boston in 2004.
    New England has gone from the Mayflower Compact to the Gay Power Impact, from Providence to decadence, from Bible thumpers to God dumpers, from university to diversity to perversity, and from the land of the Great Awakening to God’s Future Shakening that will make the Boston bombings look like Walden Pond ripples by comparison!
    The same Nor’easter has been spreading south and as far west as Washington State where, after swelling up with pride, Mt. Rainier may wish to celebrate shame-sex marriage by having a blast that Seaddlepated folks can share in lava-land!
    The same Luke 17 prediction is tied to the Book of Revelation which speaks of the cities that God will flatten because of same-sexism -- including American cities -- a scenario I’ll have to accept since I can’t create my own universe and decree rules for it.
    I’ve just been analyzing the world’s terminal “religion” that has its “god,” its accessories, its “rites,” and even a flag. It’s an obsession that the infected converts are willing to live for, fight for -- and even die for!
    Want more facts? Google “God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up,” “Government-Approved Illegals,” “FOR GAYS ONLY: Jesus predicted” and “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”

  8. Ivy says

    And pls do tell me, according to the Christians you seem so disgusted with..what is the Laid down criteria for making it to heaven?

  9. says

    LMAO, those deluded religious fools are really stupid. Anointed indeed..the level of religious indocrination pervasive in the nigerian society is alarming, as a young atheist in my late teens down here in nigeria,I can testify to the vitriolic hate I get from people around especially on campus…I wonder at their stupidity at times, this country remains perenially backward with the corrupt politicians and thieving pastorpreneurs and imams and yet most people are obsessed with jailing gays and hounding atheists….Sick Country

  10. Ella David says



    I once lambasted someone who was preaching and condemning everything condemnable. I couldn’t take it. I tell people keep your faith to yourself, do not force it down my throat.



  11. Chrissy says

    Yemisi, you rock! How good it is to read one of the very few voices of reason in a swamp of brainwashed bullshit. Keep it up!

  12. Jossy says

    She rocks??? May God have mercy on you all…
    Whether you like it or not, heaven and hell is real..
    Jesus is Lord and He is coming soon.

  13. says

    Jossy, I’ll make the same offer to you that I’ve made previously.

    I’m willing to be a human sacrifice to your Lord. All you have to do is pray really hard that Jesus will strike me down for my blasphemy (cause I think he’s kind of a 24-carat douchebag, with an overblown sense of self-imporance and a delusion of superiority, and I can blaspheme as long as you like, if you just tell me the parameters of what you consider blasphemy).

    Pray really hard. Ask your friends to pray really hard. I’m a lesbian, proud to be one, and I think your god is a silly superstition of a quality which should have anyone with half a brain saying, “Wait, what the hell was that stupidity again?” I eat babies. I’m a terrible atheist who longs to see churches banished from polite society.

    If your god strikes me down in the next year, I promise to spend all my time in Hell saying how awesome he really was.

    If he doesn’t, which I’m quite damned sure he won’t, then I will continue to point and laugh at your foolishness.

    And I’m not talking I get cancer or some other equivocal death. I want a bolt of lightning from a clear blue sky, something truly miraculous, to prove that it was your god who did it. Signing their name on my burnt corpse, or something.

    So. What do you say? I’m perfectly willing to volunteer to test the power of your god, which is, as you say, real and powerful, and omnipresent and omniscient too, so it’s not like it doesn’t know where I live.

    Any time in the next year, you have me struck down by a miraculous occurrence, and I guarantee you most of the atheists I know will become Christians.

    But since I know it won’t happen, I know that promise will never be tested.

    Go talk to yourself. No one here is interested in your vague threats of impending doom. Show me some miracle killin’, or shut the hell up.

  14. Toks says

    I know, that there are many bad eggs among christian’s. But that does not mean we should fall in 2 Sin, the Bible says Not every one that saith unto me, Lord Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of heaven :but he /she that doeth d will of my Father which is in heaven. Many christian’s are not doing d will of God, they are not following what Jesus thought us, they are following their canal mind and flesh. Please don’t drag the Name of Jesus into dis matter Read Matt 7 vs 21 -- 24. See what Jesus said.Most of the Nigerian and African men & women of God are hypocrite&Phar’isees Call by their self. Jesus Christ came for everyone but White and Asia people, black and India. Jesus Christ is Love, but hate Sin. Ask for the Holy Spirit to teach and show you, the will of God John 3:16 state his reason of coming, there many bible believing Churches around, who teach sound words of God. Don’t follow Men follow Jesus Christ churches like MFM, CAC, Baptist, Hope, RCCG, Church of England e. t.c Just pray dat God will lead you to a good Church. Jesus Christ did a not condem anyone he eat & dine with all classes of people Romans 8 vs 1-8.We need to 1st have a reavlation of God, not man. John 8:vs 32,36 say you shall no d truth and be free Seek the truth and you will see dat servicing Jesus is beautiful. Lastly Jesus does not hate gays, lesbian, trangenders or anyone read thr Jesus Christ did ‘t condem Thanks

  15. MH- says

    THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am Mixed (Nigerian, Indonesian, Lebanese) and I have lived in Nigeria for the most part of my life.

    THIS IS SOOOO TRUE. I do not believe in Christianity, i think religion is a joke and even if it was real, the way religion is practiced is the biggest joke on the planet or even in the universe.


    Then people wonder why Nigeria is so backward……… (when they worship their pastors, give church ALL of their money and blame the situation of the country and their poverty on the devil rather than facing facts, educating themselves and realising that they have to be objective and realistic to allow themselves to move forward as a nation.


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