Give Me The Child and I’ll Give You The Racist

I know a few people who were home-schooled as kids, and who grew up to be fine, decent people. I even new one who was incredibly precocious and was tutored (in addition to a good private school education) by both father and mother. Everyone in my high school class knew he was going to be somebody in the sciences and, he is! Yay!

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It’s What Science Was

This is a difficult topic, for me, because it entails trying to pull together a bunch of tangled threads that don’t make sense. Pseudo-science and racism are tough, like that, since the pseudo-science in the service of racism may look like it’s science, but it’s not. Yet, for most purposes, I’m going to declare a lot of American popular science as pseudo-science.

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“Send Her Back”

Americans don’t seem to realize how completely inauthentic campaign rallies and caucuses are. Consequently, we have a huge discussion about what Trump said or didn’t say, supported or didn’t support. I hate it when people who know something is bullshit pretend that it’s not, because they’re committing bullshit too.

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