Of Course This Was Going to Happen

The intelligence state has not been collecting data for its own entertainment; they have to find a use for it. Remember back to when the Bush administration’s secret interception program was disclosed? Probably the most painful bit of news in it was that the NSA wasn’t (yet) capable of doing anything particularly interesting or useful with the data.

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Who Knew They Were So Cheap

You can buy a cop’s soul for a measly $3,000-$6,000. I hope every one of them realizes how their bosses and unions have just debased them. They probably don’t care – if they were the kind of people who care, they wouldn’t be cops. If you recall, I believe that being a cop is one of the handful of inherently immoral jobs [stderr].

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Perks for Cops

Trigger warning: sexual abuse, judicial sexual assault

Don’t read this if it’s first thing in the morning where you are. You don’t want to throw up in your mouth before you’ve had a chance to relax and drink a bit of coffee or something to buffer the rage.

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