More AI Photography

This appeals to my sense of the absurd. Instead of taking an AI and training it to turn photographs into converted images “in the style of” some training set, what if we plug the pipeline in backwards?

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A Truly Scary AI

Just when you thought it was impossible for the world to hold more existential dread, researchers at MIT are experimenting with an AI that is learning to write scary stories.

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There’s one political role I approve of. No, it’s not starting wars or declaring victory – it’s normal stuff like congratulating people and recognizing a job well done, or perhaps cutting the ribbon on a new project of people’s hopes and dreams.

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AI Art

My views on AI have changed somewhat, from my initial view that AI lacked the creativity to come up with grand strategies,[stderr] to something more confused. [stderr] Initially, I saw military strategy as a problem of creativity, and AI don’t seem to be very good at that – there’s too much of “output resembles input” for me to be enthusiastic about AI art: it looks more like remixing than innovation.  [By a coincidence, Caine over at Affinity is also posting about AI creativity tonight]

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Ouch, Wrong Again!

Recently I wrote a piece about The AI That Will Kill Us All [stderr] and hypothesized one thing (which my entire argument hung upon) that looks pretty wrong. I hereby officially declare “I am back to the drawing board.”

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