Chelsea Manning Sentence Commuted

Obama +1

I’m happy about this. Barack Obama, you complicated, inconsistent, unamerican, brilliant, interesting man. I voted for you the first time because you said you’d close gitmo and get the US out of Iraq and Afghanistan. I didn’t vote for you the second time because you expanded the drone killings, continued to erode the war powers resolution, and destroyed Libya. You were barely the lesser evil. Now, you’ll be missed and that’s a statement about how bad it’s going to get.

Whoa, WSJ

It took me a couple passes to read this and wonder if the Wall Street Journal’s journalistic standards have fallen below the “write parseable sentences” level:

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Staring Down The Barrel of Disaster

DoomsayersLately, my travels have taken me to Seattle a few times. Amazingly, I find I am terrified of the Cascadia Subduction Zone. I know, intellectually, that the odds it’ll rip loose while I’m there are maybe 20,000:1 or thereabouts – but that’s actually a whole lot higher than I like!

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