Biden just demonstrated it. Basically, he just said “I don’t give a shit because none of this will affect me” and signed off on the Willow project – the largest oil extraction plan for Alaska, ever.
Biden just demonstrated it. Basically, he just said “I don’t give a shit because none of this will affect me” and signed off on the Willow project – the largest oil extraction plan for Alaska, ever.
None if this is news or should be any surprise to any of you, but I’m offering my “take” anyway.
You’ve got to dredge back into the past for this one. Remember, Trump versus Clinton, 2016. Right before the election (because DoJ never does anything right before an election that might influence it) Comey announced that they were going to search Anthony Weiner’s laptop for dick pics possibly classified emails between Huma Abedin and Hillary Clinton. Are you following?
[This is a repost from Daily Kos]
I’m a huge fan of Adam Curtis, maybe you can tell.
[Happy blog-a-versary! I started this project in 2016 stderr and look at the wild ride! If you told me that Russia was going to be attacking its neighbors I’d have said “that’s as likely as Donald Trump getting elected president LOL LOL!” 2,484 postings, 30,971 comments, I don’t know how to see how many comments I’ve made and I’m scared to find out]
This is where I am right now:
There’s a trope going around, lately (i.e.: since 2016) that goes something like:
Person A: says something critical of democrats
Person B: (rageflail) If you don’t support democrats you’re setting us up for another Trump, and you’re killing the planet! You’re probably a Bernie Bro!
Fascist boot-lickers seem to think they’re funny. But I just think they’re stupid.
I’m gonna just come right out and say it: if you’re a republican, you’re a dangerously delusional racist in denial. If you’re a democrat, you’re a dangerously delusional political hack in denial.
The domain name is suspicious, but it’s a plausible site – so, how are we supposed to tell if that’s really the Florida department of education, or just some very subtle trolling?