Now that Roger Ailes has gone to the great place where all are equal (i.e.: nowhere) we’ll have a few days of people trying to burnish his reputation on the way out. The valkyries will not come to take him to valhalla, though.
Now that Roger Ailes has gone to the great place where all are equal (i.e.: nowhere) we’ll have a few days of people trying to burnish his reputation on the way out. The valkyries will not come to take him to valhalla, though.
There are many agencies that have some degree of charter for computer security – but “defense” has been a bit of a hot potato. Meanwhile, the NSA (and now we know CIA, and probably every other Three Letter Agency) used to go to security conferences like DEFCON and advertise that they were hiring hackers. Of course they were.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller, former FBI chief 2001 – 2013. This is the head of the FBI during the Bush administration’s torture program, when FBI agents were reporting that CIA practices were ‘potentially illegal’ and Mueller helped whitewash the whole thing.
FBI investigates
I guess Louis Freeh is still busy investigating Penn State’s locker rooms.
Some things about Trump’s apparent disclosure of secret information.
Timothy Garton Ash writes us a book about reviewing the Stasi – the East German secret police – file on himself. [amazon]
There’s some vague stuff in the news about United airlines cockpit door protocol maybe being partially revealed. Short form: don’t worry.
Jean Meslier
We may be asked if atheism can suit the multitude? I reply, that every system which demands discussion is not for the multitude.
When I read some of this stuff, I wind up sitting and scratching my head, missing my lead foil-lined hat. Conspiracy theorists and fake news make it hard to know what’s what, sometimes, and you can’t tell if you’re looking at a story or disinformation to create a story. Or, are you looking at disinformation intended to obscure a story?