How Donald Trump Answers a Question

I’m skeptical of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, hypnosis, and other tricks of mental manipulation involving triggers, rythms, repeating phrases, rhymes, etc. But I enjoy watching Derren Brown’s performances because I wonder how much is stage “magic” and how much is mentalist tricks. My guess is, it’s mostly stage magic.

So, when I saw this I thought it was very interesting because it’s somewhat similar to the kind of treatment Brown supposedly uses on his subjects.

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By The Way

I don’t intend to try to post stuff every day. I’ve been posting a lot of stuff because I’ve had time and stuff to say.

I may occasionally get busy and have work, house guests, travel days, whatever, and not post as much for a while. If that happens, don’t break out the champagne and canapes, yet, I’ll be back.

I’m assuming you’d rather I don’t post “I’m going to be blah blah blah Chicago blah blah” all the time. You don’t care about my personal life, nor should you. I just don’t want you to see me fall silent, start rejoicing, and then be bitterly crushed by disappointment.


Besides, I may fall silent long enough to write and publish “The Strategic Genius’ Guide to Dating ${preferred_gender}”     It’ll depend on whether I can get Chuck Tingle to write the forward or not.

The Totalitarian Urge

When does authoritarianism shift to totalitarianism?

Politically, authoritarianism is a system in which the state asserts its supreme power over a region, then uses that power to dictate rules and behaviors. There are a variety of authoritarianisms, including Stalinism, Maoism, Putinism, Fascism, Kimism, dictatorship, tyranny, aristocracy, monarchy and so forth.

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