Hello, I did promise that one great advantage of checking out my blog is that you get to read some of my beautiful poems for free. Here is a poem I wrote when I picked up a newspaper on the tube in 2011, and was hit by the horrifying news and devastating pictures of the Tsunami in Japan. What I felt poured out in words and I found myself furiously scribbling this piece, “Mother Nature, My Explosive Lover!”
My heart goes out to the many trapped in the wrath of Mother Nature, from Tsunamis to earthquakes. I had not penned a poem in almost a decade before writing this piece and the last time I did, it was to sing the praises of my first love, Mother Nature. But with age comes the knowledge that even first loves are not perfect!
Mother Nature, My Explosive Lover!
Mother Nature
Beautiful you are
You smile and I waver
You kiss and I quiver
Aroused by your touch
Fed by your smooch
Melting my heart
Twisting my feelings
Swinging my being
With your seduction
Warm in the embrace
Of your blazing love
Your magical fingers
The waves conjures
Your tsunamic orgasm
Blows high and mighty
Many cry and scream
As you explode in cum
Your volcanic temper
Leaves me high and dry
In the grip of your love
I gasp for breath
How long shall I drown
In your magical prowess
Making love drenched
Like there is no tomorrow
Oh your anger
I cannot bear
You huff and puff
And the roof goes off
You blow hot and cold
And up it all goes in flames
You bat your seismic eyelashes
And everywhere floods
You shake your bounty
And the earth quakes
With your waves
The wind bows
You move a disc
And everything falls
Licking at your walls
Is it vanity that gives you airs
To sail on howling hairs
Do you seek attention
Or is it my provocation
That gets you in a hoot
For I am guilty too
Bombs I blow
Tear gas I howl
Carbonized air I emit
To get you to submit
Blame it on my human nature
To plough, prod and tear apart
But you my love
I thought are above
My human frailties
In all your subtleties
Lovesick I worship
At your holy shrine
In awe of your majesty
I marvel at your beauty
But now you come wheezing
With many screaming
Sorrows, tears and blood
You leave flowing
In the wake of your howling
Do you in sadistic pleasure gloat
Seeing the disaster you float
Or are these disasters
A harrowing cry for help
Do you cower in the dark
Hoping for a hug
You I cannot but bug
Amidst the floating bodies
Do you hear the screams
Of your helpless victims
Children, old and young
Barely hanging on
Do you flinch?
As they cling?
I preach acceptance
My wish is tolerance
I accept diversity
As life’s necessity
But how long shall I bear
The brunt of your anger
Or is it just who you are
Oh mother nature, my love
With your tears you let me know
You are neither a God nor a Goddess
But like me, just a mere formation
You and I are not perfect
My human conceit we will capture
Your wild nature we will nurture
I tame mine, we tame yours
You and I babe
Can be together
A lifetime longer
By © Yemisi Ilesanmi
Cool -- you do Vogon poetry too!!
I think you’ve annoyed the inept bunch of haters at the Slymepit, seems its full on trolling time if Tigzy wanders from his safe space to make a jab.
Given his story writing ability I don’t think he has much of a remit as a critic.
Annoyed? Fuck me, colon, we’re laughing our arses off, the way we used to do at you…
@tigzy: Oh thanks for the compliment. The greatest joy of a poet is to elicit reaction, whatever reaction, from their audience. You even went as far as categorizing the poem, you must have given it some thought, that is a compliment. lol!
This piece might be Vogon poetry to you but to the many who have read and loved it, it is classified under ecosexual poetry. So thanks but no thanks, I will stick with the ecosexual classification.
Anyway, this piece and a few others of my poems with ecosexual themes will soon be available in the poetry section of Anthology of writings on ecosexuality. In case you want it in paperback, hardcover, or kindle editions, I doubt you will find it under vogon poetry, just make sure to look for it under ecosexual tag, And thanks again!
oolon, you mean my new fan from the Slymepit is not here with good intentions? Unthinkable! But…why burst my bubbles?
“Many cry and scream / As you explode in cum” ?
Nearly 16,000 people died in that tsunami.
Just -- wow.
Nah, nah, I just can’t stick the flounce. Fuck me sideways with an ecosexual, vibrant, tumescent, and oh-so-tsunamic dead and rotting lubricious Japanese cucumber.
You are not a poet. You can call yourself that as much as you want, but you are just not a poet. Bombastic, simplistic, childish rhymes, with excruciatingly bad diction, and minimal substance, do not a poet make.
At best, at the very best, you are a writer of puerile, unpoetic, superficial crap.
Real poets roll in their graves when junk like this is labeled poetry.
Yeministyfeministy said:
Balls and broken fundamental bifurcations. Real poets almost invariabley do not give one iota what their audience thinks of their poems. Real poets do not write to or for an audience; real poets write for themselves. People who write junk and who find their greatest joy in the reaction from their audience are illiterate children.
HAHAHAHA. OK, so, i’t’s Vogon ecosexual poetry; shit still stinks.
What’s in a name? That which we call shit
By any other name would smell as foul
Hahaha! The poem was meh for me but I’m LOVING the reaction!
I couldn’t write a decent poem, much less any sort of poem, but at least I realise that fact.
It’s funny, someone posts a silly limerick (though much better and less offensive in my layman’s opinion than Mother Nature My Explosive Lover!) on the Ceepolk, err Atheism + forum and they end up getting banned over it. That’s not justice, that’s a travesty.
@Lsuoma, and lo another who fears the FTB comment section appears! I remember that laughing, or was it set at too high a pitch to be genuine? Half the pit plaintively asking the idiots, you included, to stop dancing to the trolls tune, the others not listening and threatening, doxxing and dogpiling to try and shut me up. Even you the “mod” threatening his own forum members with shunning if they engaged me. All the things supposedly only the “Baboons” do… Actually that last one is even beyond the supposed worst excesses of the A+ forum mods.
Anyway I don’t want to damage the overinflated sense of superiority that you and the pittizens try so hard to maintain, head off back to the safe space of the Slymepit to recount your adventures here. Stay safe #bravehero.
Wow Oolon -- you don’t seem your usual jovial self. In fact, you actually seem quite annoyed. What’s happened? Has the local housing association decided to let out some properties in your village? Or did Gerald make a racist joke at the tennis club again, and once more you felt you couldn’t upset the applecart by challenging him on it?
Never mind -- keep plugging away, Ools. You never know, this time next year you could be ably serving the cause of local social justice by giving Gerald a withering glance at the vicarage barbecue.
@Yemisi -- good response! *nods respectfully* touche, madame.
Skep tickle- You do realize that a poem is different from a newspaper report, right?
Skep tickle:
Is “cum” a dirty word to feel guilty about? I don’t think so. Humans erupt in orgasmic cum when stimulated, nature erupts when stimulated too. It might not be the little fluid cums of humans, but she does erupt in her majestic way too. The use of “cum” to describe natures eruption is Imagery.
Actually Today is Mothers day and EcoSexuals around the world have made a call to create a super EcoSexual style Mothers Day, which include celebrating Mother Nature! “We are grateful for the hospitality we found in our mother’s body, the first ecosystem that hosted us where we were smaller than a microbe. Let’s create a super EcoSexual style Mothers Day”
And probably, if nature had not erupted million of years ago, we would not be here to celebrate mother’s day.
Of course people died, pains and sufferings everywhere, and the poem said as much or did you miss this part of the poem?
Or is it that you just find the word “cum” offensive in the context of nature’s eruptions?
You know I do find the reaction very funny; it is a big indicator of the bigotry and childishness of the commenters.
It is OK not to like or be indifferent to a poem, a song or an artwork and an artiste never takes offense at that. But to go all out in a desperate effort to ridicule not just the work but the person, is indeed very bigoted and childish.
I got requests from some EcoSexual bloggers asking for permission to use the poem in their blogs for this Mothers Day as the theme this year is to also celebrate nature as a mother, which was how I remembered to post it on my new blog space.
I like the piece, many have told me they love it and my permission was asked to have it published in an anthology of ecosexual writings by prominent American ecosexual activists, who btw, are also professors in their field.
I therefore wonder how some slymepitters (or whatever they call themselves), think their very puerile and trivial opinion matters, especially when all they have done on my blog is to use bully tactics that they should have left behind in kindergarten playground. So pathetic and ridiculous!
She didn’t specify a particular tsunami in the poem, just like she didn’t specify a particular volcanic eruption, wind storm, or earthquake. The poem portrays “Mother Nature” as dangerous, violent, and frightening, it’s not an endorsement of people dying in tsunamis.
And that will teach me to not refresh the page before posting! XD
Whoever told you your opinion matters lied to you. In what universe did you even expect to be taken seriously by any rational person after your irrational outbursts and banning yourself debacle? And what rational person comes back to a page after grandly announcing that he was banning himself from a page he had shown nothing but infantile display of aggression, only to announce that he unbanned himself because he could not stay away as he needs to throw more insults at the page owner? Boy, how daft can you be?
Remember the advice I gave you earlier shortly before you announced your departure from this space? Here it is again.
The above advice still stands. Further infantile display on any of my posts would definitely earn you a ban, you can consider this a final warning.
I don’t know where you got your opinion, but I hope you kept the receipt!
And what do you find offensive in the poem? Don’t even bother to answer because I know I’d probably hang myself if I shared same taste in poetry, songs or artwork with you or any of the slypmepitters who had come to show off their slimy pit badge of honour here as if it is something to be proud and which those they disagree with should quiver at the mere mention of. Your comments so far suggest you belong to a group of testosterone filled high school guys eager to wank off on the page of perceived opponents.
I am allergic to ignorance and all your comments so far on my page reek of it. So, keep that ignorance at bay and very much away from my space, OK?
Yes indeed, Ms. Yemisi. The poem may not be my cup of tea, but I have to tip my hat in recognition of your ability to elicit such revealing reactions.
Sally, indeed, it is a surprise to find the range of the pitters extending to literary and poetic criticism. Unfortunately, judging by the sad, flaccid example of johngreg I would have to say… don’t give up your day job.
Yemisi, thanks for the poem. It’s not my cup of tea either – but I’m frank in admitting I’m not a poet, I don’t have a poetic bone in my body, and have no standing to offer any technical or literary critique. Kudos to you for your boldness in standing up in public, not with a political diatribe or a philosophical argument, but with a poem. Your detractors are stuck in an adolescent stage of development where your level of ‘cool’ is dependent on the approval of the clique; they should grow up, but I suspect for many it’s way too late. Their puerile criticism is the same phenomenon I observed in high school where the supposedly ‘cool’ people would snigger when someone got up in an assembly to perform a song or read a story.
It’s the “snuff” aspect I was commeting on -- not just sex + death, but sexual excitement enhanced by killing or torture, as in (as I read it): “Many cry and scream / As you explode in cum”
And yeah I did read the whole thing.
I have no problem with “cum” (no more than with “nite” or “lite”, also simplified spellings of existing English words). Nor with “jism” or “wad” but those imply male orgasmic emissions (at least in my part of the English-speaking world they do). Really I’m fine with pretty much any word, including “pussy”, “snatch”, and “cunt”, which have the side bonus that it’s easy to find rhymes for them. “Smegma” is a little harder to find a rhyme for, but isn’t that so often the case with those words from Greek or Latin? Stiil, it might be an interesting metaphor for the polar ice cap, being washed away with warm water or something…
Thanks, I would have thought that was so blatantly obvious but of course those who are desperate to find flaws won’t hesitate to create straws to cling to.
Xanthë, chronic tuck
Thanks, I really wonder why some would think I need them to validate how good I am at what I do, especially if they are not paying my salary. I understand there are different audiences and I see no reason why I should take offense when a particular audience does not like my poem. I just wonder at the silliness of those who think it is something to use as an insult or ridicule.
When I wrote this poem, I was not even thinking ecosexual, but it found a big audience amongst leading ecosexual activists in USA, so much that it was not only chosen to be published in an Ecosxual Anthology, but I also got an invite to perform the poem at an ecosexual themed wedding in Puerto Rico, which I could not attend due to prior commitment.
Attempts by some commenters to ridicule the poem and the poet are basically ridiculous. I would also say, they better not give up their day job.
Skep tickle:
Whatever made you think the poem was about sexual excitement enhanced by killing or torture? You think a mention of somebody or something as in this case ‘cumming; means the person commenting on it is sexually excited? It seems to me you are stuck on the verse “Many cry and scream / As you explode in cum”, it is like you read that and came and read it again and again and came again and again, which kind of rendered the whole other verses irrelevant to you.
Skep tickle:
You might have read the whole thing, but it is either you didn’t understand it or you were too busy stuck on the “cum” line that the other 106 lines made no sense to you.
Skep tickle:
You really aren’t very bright, are you? You probably judge the quality of a written work of art or spoken English by how many antiquated words appear in it. Even in Law, we have formally abandoned antiquated Latin words, these only look pompous and have no added value to legal writings in this age, and it surely does not help you win cases in court. Other than giving one the false impression of ‘elitist’, it really is an obsolete baggage that is no longer appealing to the new generation who have no complex issue.
Communication is important. My writings and poetry is about communicating with the widest audience possible. Whenever I have to choose between using a big sounding English word and a simpler, easy to understand English word, I always go for the simpler one because my intention is to communicate effectively not build an ‘elitist’ audience. So , if you wanted to read poems in Shakespearean English, Greek or Latin, my poems and writings are not for you.
If you thought this poem should have been about using an
then you obviously do not understand the theme of the poem. But I am sure if you scout the internet long enough, you’d find one on that topic, written in the style you prefer.
I avoid using antiquated words in my poems because I don’t do obsolete. It does not in any way diminish the works of those who lived in that era, they used the language of their era, I am more inclined to use the language of my era to communicate. It is a new wave in poetry, but as so many of you are afraid of “new wave” anything, that probably would be another reason for a new round of hate and tantrums about how you prefer your poetry in Shakespearean English, Greek and Latin metaphors, and how dare we refer to these as obsolete.
So please, do not whine on my space to complain about my poem not being to your taste, I am not forcing you to read it, i am not even forcing you to buy the anthology it is published in. Grow a brain, if something is not your cup of tea, you go find one that is to your taste or make your own cup of tea, but whatever, you should know when to move on.
Gaw blimey, yer ladyship *wrings flatcap in his grubby prole hands* you’ve caught me speaking well out of turn, so you ‘ave, and I feel right proper ‘umbled in the face of your bourgeois refinement, so I do.
One can always tell a Pitter by its plebian standards; hence its complete inability to appreciate work which is quite clearly of a standard comparable to that of a latter-day Byron.
Interesting, so in the UK Latin terms aren’t used in court, or at least not by lawyers? I hadn’t known that.
They’re definitely still in use in the US, though sometimes they’re abbreviated or have been in use so long that people don’t realize they’re Latin, cf. “cert” (short for certiorari), pro bono, amicus brief, affadavit, prosecutor, versus, appendix -- all Latin.
But perhaps I see them everywhere, being in a field that constantly uses words of obvious Latin and Greek origin, and having a lay interest in etymology.
By the way,
Congratulations on your poem being chosen for an ecosexual anthology!
(eco- from the Greek oikos “house, dwelling place, habitation”
plus -sexual from the Late Latin sexualis “relating to sex,” from Latin sexus;
and anthology from the Latin anthologia, from the Greek anthologia
or as we might say in less elitist terms: way to go for getting in print!
Why yes, I think that must be it, old chap. Wot wot, jolly good I say. Yes, you are positively plebian, and all that. Jolly good. Yes. I’m feeling TERRIBLY upper-crust right now! Nothing like a good plebe-mocking to brighten one’s day!
Seriously though, that’s hilarious. You’re so eager to don the mantle of faux victimhood that you skimmed right over the part where both Xanthe and I said that we didn’t care for the poem much. So, there must be some OTHER quality about your posts that distinguishes you as pitters… I believe it must be the puerile nature of your attempted criticism. Or perhaps the odor of curdled, thwarted rage…
Puerile nature of my attempted criticism, eh? Well, Sal old girl, I’m presuming you don’t care that much for Yemisi’s verses for all the right reasons, so please at least enlighten this ere philistine with your no doubt highly sophisticated and learned discourse of why ‘Mother Nature, My Explosive Lover!’ is a bit sucky.
Blimey -- and there I go thinking that I was just laughing at some bad poetry and snooty birds. Might wanna check the state of your own pits before accusing others of having odours, Sal.
At this point, the meta-discussion, that is, criticism of the criticism, is far more interesting to me. For example, the assumed mantle of lower-class victimhood invented by a critic whose criticism was dismissed by the author.
Or, should I say, a critic whose criticism inspired surprise on the part of other commenters, given that his main interests up till now seemed to mostly concern trashing feminism and feminists.
Either way, no. I don’t think I’ll offer my criticism of Yemisi’s poetry as long as the lot of you are hanging around. As long as you’re here, I have no confidence at all that a serious discussion can take place. Certainly you, Tigzy, have offered precisely zero attempts at actual literary criticism, rather than vague, immature sniping. I mean, let’s see: First comment was from Tigzy, who said:
Nice reference to Hitchhiker’s Guide, but although I didn’t like the poem, I wouldn’t characterize it as awful to the point of being comparable to Vogon poetry. Fine, a touch of hyperbole. Let’s see if Tigzy follows it up with something substantial to justify that initial characterization…
Nope. Next comment is a sneer at Oolon. And the one after that was the one where you went with that “Oh lordy they’re trying to look down on us because we don’t like their friend’s poem” bullshit.
Then there’s the one where you respond to me making fun of you for that.
You tell me you’re interested in hearing my opinion about the literary and technical merits/flaws of the poem? I say that’s a lie, as demonstrated by the content of your comments on this thread. I don’t like liars.
Just needs dim lights, strong beer and a bass providing a backbeat…
Its all Tigzy’s got Sally. Scared to be seen as trying to be intellectual and fail so never even try, just cover it up with childishness. Poetry is really likely to bring it out! Nothing like the bravery of exposing yourself as intelleksewal, with the possibility of failure that brings, to bring about a fit of the sniggering vapours for the poor dear.
Maybe I’m wrong and his literary talents are not as superficial as they appear.
Shorter Sally: “well, I could certainly offer you the benefit of my insight on the poem, but as I believe you aren’t likely to treat my sophisticated literary criticism with the reverence it undoubtedly deserves, I won’t. So there.”
Oolon -- yes, you have me ashamed. It does indeed take a nice middle-class gent living in a nice, middle-class village, who boldly fights for the oppressed and marginalised on internet forums, to lecture the rest of us about bravery.
I’m not even that much into literary criticism. I don’t care for poetry much in general. I prefer prose. I can do criticism, but I don’t see why I should. I wasn’t planning on it. Just because I can observe that you’re not offering any doesn’t oblige me to offer it myself. You’re weirdly arrogant, Tigzy. I will observe that you are still not offering that which you claim to value, i.e., serious criticism of Yemisi’s poem, and my accusation that you are lying if you’re claiming that you’re interested in seeing any serious literary criticism still stands.
Lolwut, Sal?
Where did I claim to value any serious literary criticism of ‘Mother Nature My Explosive Lover’? I was simply having a dig a Xanthe’s haughty, elitist disdain for such plebian efforts as she had so far seen. And then you stepped in, every bit as snooty, so I simply asked you demonstrate why your particular opinion of Yemisi’s piece should carry so much more weight than mine.
Really, if you’re not that much into literary criticism and don’t care that much for poetry, then why the concern for the ‘puerile nature of my attempted criticism?’ You’re the one who came off trying to sound like you’re an expert on the subject; is it bad of me that I asked for some evidence of this apparent expertise?
I come off like an expert? Thanks, I guess--I took and enjoyed a few English lit classes in college.
I dunno, I guess I do feel kind of superior to people who come charging onto Yemisi’s blog and use the comments section for her poetry to be assholes. Like, I think the ideas evoked in the poem are interesting, don’t really care much for the execution, and that could have been a nice discussion, you know? Just like back in college. Fun times. But instead, we’ve got a bunch of immature jerks who are, shall we say, overstating the lack of quality somewhat because they have a beef about FTB and all things relating to feminism and they don’t know how to leave their baggage at the door and behave politely, like adults. And so the conversation is all about you and how you can’t behave yourselves. Like children. I.e., puerile.
Once you all lose interest I’m sure the quality of conversation will rise and the rest of us might actually be able to have that conversation and even offer some constructive criticism! That will be nice.
Here is a link to my comment policy
Below is the relevant part concerning comments on my poem.
My Poems- I am a poet, I write poems and I post my poems on my blog. I appreciate that not everyone is going to like my poems, it might not be to your taste but remember, this is my blog, my own space and you have to treat it like you are a guest in my home.
Responsible adults know that manners are very important when one is a guest in a home. We teach children to behave properly especially when they are guests in other peoples’ homes. You do not have the right to be mannerless in my space. Yes, my blog is visible to the public and my posts are open for comments, but that still does not mean you have the liberty to come in and rain abuses on my poems or throw insults at me.
When at an open, free buffet, it is not OK to come to the dinner table, smell the food, taste it, turn to the host/hostess and exclaim, “This food smells horrible, it makes me wanna puke, how dare you serve such horrible food?” Every responsible adult knows that such action would be considered ill mannered. If you do not like the food, you should not eat it, you should just walk away from the buffet. My blog is like a restaurant, if you do not like what I am serving, feel free to leave.
Also, if you saw a picture or artwork of your host/hostess hanging in the hallway or proudly displayed on the mantelpiece, even if you think the work of art or picture is ugly and ghastly, you do not go announcing to your host/hostess. “How dare you hang that ugly thing in the house, it is so disgusting!” You do not scream “You call that a piece of art? It is horrible!” Now, that would be considered rude, wouldn’t it?
Remember, my poems are my works of art, this blog is my space, you are a guest, therefore you must mind your manners.
You are not forced to like or comment on my poems, you are not forced to buy it as it is not for sale on this blog, I am serving it as a free buffet, therefore throwing tantrums or insults at not just the poem but also the poet is ill-mannered and will not be tolerated.
Constructive reviews of my poems are welcome, but also bear in mind that I am not posting the poems to seek approval or get a pat on the back, I am posting because I love my poems, many others identify with my poems and they love it. I have been paid for a few of my poems, there have been requests for some to appear in reputable anthologies and a collection of my poems will soon be published. So, unless you have something of value to add to my work of art, don’t even bother to leave veiled sneering or jeering remarks because your approval is not needed.
What I wrote: ‘You’re the one who came off trying to sound like you’re an expert on the subject…’
What Sally saw: ‘I come off like an expert? Thanks, I guess…’
That, dear Sal, is what’s known as a reading comprehension fail. Still, thanks for finally enlightening me as to the quality of literary criticism I could expect from you.
Seems some people are having a reading comprehension fail on the comment policy, not sure how the working class chip on shoulder act works if banned by someone with your trade union credentials. As for the poem, your reference to it being ecosexual, never heard of that as a style/class of poetry. Urban dictionary is not at all helpful… http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=ecosexual
Then you go on to mention “ecosexual activists”… Bit off topic but what is that!
Oh, trying to sound like an expert. My bad then. I wasn’t trying to do that.
I’ll stop the off-topic posts now.
Those who do not comprehend my comment policy will have it explained to them via a ban.
@oolon- As far as I know (I could be wrong), there is no style/class of poetry known as Ecosexual but there are Ecosexual themed poems.
Although I did not write this poem with ‘Ecosexual’ in mind, but from the first day it was posted on my Facebook wall, many of the commenters in their loving review termed it a ‘sexual activism’ poem. It found a loving audience amongst Ecosexual activists. Reading their ‘About’ info on their facebook group,”Ecosex, sexecology and Sustainable Love”, I can understand why. A look at it will give you an understanding of what Ecosexual activists stand for, better than the urban dictionary meaning!
I don’t identify as an Ecosexual activist, but i like their groove. A few of the members have published academic works on the subject. There are also a few notable bisexuals and pansexuals who actively support the Ecosexual campaign.