This posting has been kicking around in the back of my mind for over a year, and (for reasons that will become clear) it has been difficult to pull together.
This posting has been kicking around in the back of my mind for over a year, and (for reasons that will become clear) it has been difficult to pull together.
This story was offered up to me by youtube’s algorithm, because I had been searching for videos about Project Ares.
When I worked at Digital, my boss, Fred A., and I attended a special briefing about new technology that was coming out.
We should be very, very careful about believing anything we are told regarding aircraft being shot down, and where they are shot down.
I’m going to engage in some mild “whatabout”ism regarding our (my?) reaction to the fire in Paris.
It must be great times for the pentagon: a blockhead in the white house who’ll spend any amount on “defensive” weaponry, and law-makers from both parties that will sign any check so long as it’s for wars. Shopaholic heaven!
One of the US’ self-appointed roles is the Guardian Of The Open Seas – which means keeping the shipping lanes open for global capitalism (i.e.: oil) and making sure that its nuclear powered and -armed aircraft carriers can practice gunboat diplomacy anywhere, any time.
I nearly made skid-marks just reading between the lines of this one:
I wasn’t sure how to approach [stderr]. Serious, or silly? Here’s the silly version:
According to Pagetutor, this is what $1Bn looks like, if you palletize it: [page]