The national security state has, to put it mildly, “flipped its shit” over Edward Snowden. And in information security, where I work, it’s become de rigeur to call Snowden’s actions a wake-up call. But, really? It’s more like a snooze alarm.
The national security state has, to put it mildly, “flipped its shit” over Edward Snowden. And in information security, where I work, it’s become de rigeur to call Snowden’s actions a wake-up call. But, really? It’s more like a snooze alarm.
Anyone need a shower curtain?? (trigger warning: fake blood)
I may have invented a new art-form. No, really.
Magic is another science that is as plausible as astrology and the existence of genies. (Ivo@comment #9 corrects my translation. It should read: Magic is another science much more plausible than astrology or the doctrine of Genies.)
Voltaire by Houdon
Please let me know if you’re looking for a author for yoir blog.
Lovely lemon balm and lemongrass-scented: 9mm soapgun:
I’m sure my neighbors up the street don’t read FreeThought Blogs. And I’m equally sure they wouldn’t complain about being pointed out as sympathizers for institionalized racism – it’s “pride” not “prejudice” right?
With all the discussion about foundations, I think it’s a good idea to understand them a bit more. First off: if you see a foundation, it’s nearly certainly a tax dodge. Let’s get that out of the way. [Read more…]
Charles Dana Gibson, American illustrator, renders “proper” beach wear for young ladies, circa 1905.
The commander clacked its jaws for attention, then assumed the Posture Of Authority, Mild, and waited for two slow pulse-beats while everyone in attendance swivelled their resting-platforms and focused attention. [Read more…]