Executions in the US

Warning: Death, Judicial Murder, Capital Punishment, Suicide

There are so many things wrong and confusing with how the US does what it calls “justice” that it’s hard to know where to start. For me, it’s a topic I’ve had a whole range of feelings about, for decades. I started with a politically naive “eh, shoot ’em!” viewpoint, because I hadn’t had a chance to observe and think, or to study the degree to which economic inequality and American racism drive and underpin the entire “justice” system.

I’ll stop scare-quoting “justice” system, but you should assume that when I use the word “justice” I’m probably being semi-sarcastic. Let me start at the beginning because this may wind up being a series of postings.

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Going Through Motions

You might expect a performance like this to be completely “in the zone”: each throw exactly like the previous one. But it’s not. For example, on the 2nd to last lane on the right, he really hooks the ball into the middle of the pins.

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Cassini Probe

One skill I definitely do not have is video editing and composition. It’s both a skill and an art-form, really: the cuts and camera moves, the sound, transitions, framing, timing – it’s much much harder than stills, for me. So I mostly do stills.

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More Horsing Around on Amazon

I occasionally do silly things with surrealist cosplay and sometimes I seek inspiration in various weird places. Usually that’s “people who liked this also liked…” on Amazon or Ebay and sometimes it takes me to strange places.

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