We all know that Donald Trump is an idiot and/or suffering from some kind of debilitating metal disorder. But I still expect better of him than he delivers.
We all know that Donald Trump is an idiot and/or suffering from some kind of debilitating metal disorder. But I still expect better of him than he delivers.
I was listening to this episode of Snap Judgement podcast [the country doctor] and found my eyes kept filling with tears of shame and sorrow. As I listened, I realized that they were exposing the true core of “down home” America: racist but above all ignorant chucklefucks who don’t think – they robotically adopt the attitudes of their collective at church, and what they hear on TV.
Henry Rollins had a bit in one of his spoken word performances, in which he ridiculed a pentagon spokesperson for talking about “the bunker buster bomb.” Rollins said it quickly, like “BunkerBusterBomb” and exposed the idea of calling a deadly weapon something so silly; pentagon brass sound like kids talking about putting dog shit in a paper bag and throwing it at eachother.
Authoritarians are not used to having to justify their actions; usually they’ll just follow the shortest path between “what I want” and how to make it happen. So, like most human beings who think I’ve been simultaneously baffled and horrified by Trump’s imbecilic attempts to trigger an “obamagate” scandal.
I’m looking at you, Barack and Joe. From Howard Zinn’s speech on “The Southern Influence in Politics” (1963)
Coronavirus can be thought of as a dry run for how well organized human civilization responds to a global natural disaster. I’m not counting WWI and WWII as “natural disasters” – in fact, they were more like dry runs, too; another chance for concerted and sensible human response to a crisis and another opportunity lost.
I was amazed by how quickly Congress was able to jack open the nation’s checkbook and write a ginormous rubber check with the “Pay To: _________” part left blank.
Someday I want to do a series of posts, attempting to unpack how free market capitalist ideology evolved. There are some interesting characters who have stepped forward and said things about markets that seem just flat-out goofy, to me – such as Hayek’s unsupported insisting that any regulation of capitalism results in totalitarian “serfdom” for the people.
The google word significance score is always a fun tool to play with. I’m glad it’s not part of my profession, though, because I’d insist on something better and I’d want to know more about how the metric is generated.
The New York Stock Exchange trading room floor is a flurry of activity from the minute the bell rings until the second it closes. People are running everywhere, jammed together, in a single large room.