The liberalized world-view tries to understand and forgive the ordinary German for the holocaust. When I was a kid, we were taught that it was mostly Hitler’s fault, but that a smallish coterie surrounding him supported the effort.
The liberalized world-view tries to understand and forgive the ordinary German for the holocaust. When I was a kid, we were taught that it was mostly Hitler’s fault, but that a smallish coterie surrounding him supported the effort.
I am an equal opportunity hater. One of the big mistakes the republicans make is the assumption that you must like whoever is opposed to whatever you hate; i.e.: if you loathe Trump you must like Biden. In fact, my hatred for them is at nearly an equal level, although I admit Trump’s phony revival preacher drawl makes me hate him just a little bit more.
I imagine every morning that Meghan McCain wakes up, rolls over, and thinks “I suppose that the world out there is desperately wondering what I think about ${whatever}.” And that wake-up flash of lucidity is shared by most members of the pundit class, who mistake their dominance of the media landscape for interest on our part.
Well, yes.
The US’ way of waging war is to build outposts in semi-safe locations, then venture forth to battle using its tremendous mobility advantage.
Trump’s committing crimes against humanity on twitter, which – naturally – allows it. For any who have forgotten, threatening to use military force is the crime of War of Aggression.
I’m trying to assemble a mental time-line of who knew what, when, and what they said. The big picture makes no sense.
I’ve been getting a creeping sensation about this for a while, now, and I’m not at all surprised that other commentators are noticing, too.
… If I may, some opinions regarding impeachment and process.
These seem like a great way to keep score.