What is it with these nincompoop Christians and their invasive, entitled, ignorant evangelism? I came home from a nice weekend away, opened my door and found this evangelical card stapled to a pack of Haribo sweets on my floor. It was slipped into my home through my mailbox. The creepy message reads “IT’S OK! There is no need to be scared! (If you have Jesus on your side), while the other side quoted a bible verse.
As an atheist, are you saying I should I start freaking out as I do not have your imaginary Jesus by my side?
What if I were a practising Muslim and believe I have Mohammed by my side, should I be scared cos’ according to you, I should be scared if I don’t have Jesus?
What if I have Zeus, or the Gods and Goddesses of my ancestors, Ogun, Obatala, Oshun, Oya or Sango by my side? Ah, of course, you already called my Ancestral Gods blind, dumb and deaf in your bible. Same Bible you gave my ancestors while you stole their land and cart them off to a lifetime of slavery in foreign lands.
What would be your reaction if as a Christian you came home, opened your door and found same card you sent to my home with the same message, this time just insert Mohammed where you have put Jesus? Bet you would classify it as a terrorist message, convince yourself that it’s a plot to wipe out people who don’t believe in Mohammed. Your entitled, bigoted, Islamophobic arse would probably call the cops and the bomb disposal unit!
Yeah, this is the thing with Christian privilege, you get away with a lot of crap and harassment in the name of evangelism.
As an atheist, I do not come to your home to harass you about your religious beliefs.
I do not knock on your door to tell you about my lack of belief in your God, religion or whatever Skydaddy you worship.
I do not invade your place of worship to tell you to be afraid because your religious beliefs are silly, even though they are.
I do not come to your door to tell you that you are worshipping the wrong God as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one and only true God.
Was this supposed to be your spooky Halloween treat?
Do not harass me in my own home, you religious freaks! You already took a lot from me with your colonising Bible; I do not need you to trigger me in my own home.
I wish I could sue this Holy Trinity church, Springfield for harassment and for causing me stress in my home.
Btw, the card and the Haribo treat are headed for the trash can. I still remember what happened to my forefathers when they welcomed you into their homes, embraced your bible and accepted your treats!
I’m glad you didn’t eat the candy.
Bloody intrusive cowards.