I was in Boots this morning and they were offering an anti-snoring ring for only $60. It looked like a pinky ring. A fairly ordinary one. In fact, you are supposed to wear it on your pinky.
I was in Boots this morning and they were offering an anti-snoring ring for only $60. It looked like a pinky ring. A fairly ordinary one. In fact, you are supposed to wear it on your pinky.
The sovereigns of this world in associating the Deity in the government of their realms, in pretending to be His
Jean Meslier Portrait
lieutenants and His representatives upon earth, in admitting that they hold their power from Him, must necessarily accept His ministers as rivals or as masters.
If you have a nerdy person, or a philosopher, on your Annual Day of Shameless Commerce list, you may wish to consider this little-known masterpiece from the 70s.
I plan to periodically review books here, and perhaps even movies or other media. So I feel that I should have a policy about that…
Mutant corn grows really fast!
I’m going to Lavecon in Northhamptonshire, and spending a couple days in London at the V&A and the Brit. So my posting frequency will drop slightly. If you’re a new commenter, or want to argue with me, you may experience some delay but I promise you a full measure eventually.
Normal ranting and raving will resume after the 19th.
I will delete this posting upon my return.
Did you realize that raw sewage still goes into the Hudson River? As recently as the 90s. And guess who was one of the premier proponents of pumping poo? The Donald! From the Daily Beast:
Trump had two choices with a billion-dollar West Side project: build a sewage treatment plant or bow out. But there was a third option: flood the Hudson.
Slate has an article about the sewer opening off the Florida
Outflow off Hollywood
coastline. It sounds horrible, and I agree: don’t eat the grouper.
The ancient Romans had The Cloaca Maxima, which worked basically the same way: throw stuff in and it eventually winds up in the Tiber and goes downstream and you can forget about it. Bacterial bloom? What are bacteria?
I often listen to the “Stuff you missed in history class” podcast as I am drifting off to sleep* but the episode I was listening to last night kept me bursting out into laughter.
For some reason this is not getting a lot of attention over here at the US. I can’t imagine why.
Chelsea Manning is apparently in the hospital following a suicide attempt. Solitary confinement is used as a torture technique in US prisons, and can be applied for the most trifling of reasons (“did you look at me?” “hey, look at me when I’m talking to you!”) or supposed gang membership. In some cases, like Manning, or Jose Padilla, it’s applied out of sheer nastiness.
Supporters of “remain” at a ‘brexit’ rally.