I had a sudden trip to Boston that I needed to work into my schedule, which meant I had to get up early, vote, go to the post office, and then drive fast and furious down to Washington airport to get the 6:00pm Jetblue flight northbound.
I had a sudden trip to Boston that I needed to work into my schedule, which meant I had to get up early, vote, go to the post office, and then drive fast and furious down to Washington airport to get the 6:00pm Jetblue flight northbound.
In computer security, we talk about “I&A” – Identification (or Authentication) and Authorization. It’s one of the fundamental problems that makes everything work or not work, accordingly.
Time for your periodic dose of Jay Smooth.
It is time for Argument Clinic to tackle one of the most important topics in argumentation today: how to deal with a hypocrite.
Is this the right room for an argument
This has become a theme of mine: who knows what, and when.
If, closing our eyes upon all that transpires in this world, we should rely upon the votaries of the Christian religion, we would believe that the coming of our Divine Saviour has produced the most wonderful revolution and the most complete reform in the morals of nations.
Your host, Jean Meslier
Ready Player One is a nice bit of fluff and wish-fulfillment, with some really beautifully executed imagery. Behind that, it’s a basic good guys versus bad guys conflict, and the end is predictable and you can put your brain in “park” and enjoy the explosions. I won’t say “it was a waste of film” because I’m sure everyone involved worked very hard and it was shot on digital. But this is not a review of the movie – I want to discuss thoughts I had during the movie.
We bought the farm in 2002, and moved up from the ‘far suburbs’ of Baltimore. The farm came with a bunch of stuff in mostly-workable condition: baler, rake, hay cutter/bind, and a 1974 Belarus MtZ572 tractor. We had horses to feed, so there was hay to cut, and the place had been going to seed for a decade – there was a great deal of bushhogging to be done, and the tractor came with a 10′ deck bush hog.
There is topic I’ve wanted to explore but haven’t because I am not sure how to explain it or make sense of it, but thanks to the NYPD I think I’ve figured it out. The problem is “what does ‘helping’ someone mean?” at a strategic level.