Monday Meslier: 147 – The Only Aim Of Religious Principles Is To Perpetuate The Tyranny of Kings And To Sacrifice Nations To Them

Jean Meslier Portrait

Jean Meslier

By incessantly repeating to men that the earth is not their true country; that the present life is but a passage; that they were not made to be happy in this world; that their sovereigns hold their authority but from God, and are responsible to Him alone for the misuse of it; that it is never permitted to them to resist, the priesthood succeeded in perpetuating the misconduct of the kings and the misfortunes of the people; the interests of the nations have been cowardly sacrificed to their chiefs.

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Sunday Sermon: In Defense Of Anarchism

This is going to be a couple of parts, but I’m going to try to tie them all together, in time. I’ve chosen a “selection plus commentary” approach for these sermons, which means I’m almost certainly going to be dropping spoilers about the future pieces of text. Since it’s philosophy, not thriller fiction, I think that’s OK.  On with the sermon:

The Conflict Between Authority and Autonomy


- Robert Paul Wolff

– Robert Paul Wolff

Politics is the exercise of the power of the state, or the attempt to influence that exercise. Political philosophy is therefore, strictly speaking, the philosophy of the state. If we are to determine the context of political philosophy, and whether indeed it exists, we must begin with the concept of the state.

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