I am really on the fence about this one.
I am really on the fence about this one.
Nuclear weapons have now been banned.
Have you seen Werner Herzog’s film Fitzcarraldo? (1982)
Henry Rollins had a bit in one of his spoken word performances, in which he ridiculed a pentagon spokesperson for talking about “the bunker buster bomb.” Rollins said it quickly, like “BunkerBusterBomb” and exposed the idea of calling a deadly weapon something so silly; pentagon brass sound like kids talking about putting dog shit in a paper bag and throwing it at eachother.
The F-35 program has been a litany of glitches and problems, many as a result of the program’s pork distribution approach.
The US is now deploying its next-generation nuclear warheads. The ones that it must have designed and built while it was still under the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty it withdrew from in 2019.
Back in 2002, I wrote (regarding the US government’s cybersecurity efforts), “adding money to a disaster doesn’t necessarily help get it done, most of the time you just wind up with bigger, more expensive disasters.”
That’s a fairly standard role for a soldier, really. But, I’ve been surprised at how little press this incident received.
… For aircraft carriers?
Imagine being told “there are some ballistic missiles coming your way in 5hr, but for political reasons we need you to hunker down in a hole and grip your ankles and hope that they hit where they are supposed to. OK?”