WALMART acted quickly to take down a racist and repulsive “thug life” mask caricaturing Tupac. Caine over at Affinity [affinity] rightly takes them to task.
WALMART acted quickly to take down a racist and repulsive “thug life” mask caricaturing Tupac. Caine over at Affinity [affinity] rightly takes them to task.
White supremacy is so deeply embedded in everything in the US, that you never have to look very far.
From the NYT: [nyt] January 2005
ATLANTA, Jan. 1 – Donald L. Hollowell, a prominent Atlanta civil rights lawyer who played a part in a number of leading Georgia desegregation cases and later became an official of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, died here on Monday. He was 87.
The cause was heart failure, his family said.
A gay man in Oklahoma is suing the Sheriff, Under Sheriff, Mayor, and six other officials of Hitchcock, OK.
I wrote a piece back in November of last year, about “Inner Dynamics of Revolutions.” [stderr] And, as I watch the news today, I realize I was being much too oblique. So, let me try again; warning, I’m going to talk about current US politics.
This is from a 1947 film made by the War Department, to teach people how to detect and avoid fascism.
I’m going to give you a spoiler under the bar; if you were going to see La Haine [imdb] without my telling you to, go ahead and do so then come back and comment on this posting.
The FBI and the US attorney’s office have also joined the investigation as authorities work to determine if it was a hate crime.
This is an emergency public service announcement from Argument Clinic!
Is this the right room for an argument?
I see a lot of discussion on various news sources as to whether or not so-and-so is a racist, or such and such. It is poor strategy to engage in such a discussion unless you plan to win it. To explain further… [Read more…]
Back when the National Geographic “Genographic” program kicked off, I did it (2005) and it was – interesting. It confirmed, for me, stuff I already thought I knew, which was pretty good. I have long since lost the access code for my sample so I can’t check their database any more.*