Heavy Metal

Last Wednesday, knowing the milling machine move was coming up, I assembled a load of stuff-moving gear in the back of my truck: engine crane, crank cargo straps, tow straps, chains, variety of wrenches, 2×4 pieces, pipe pieces, and a first aid kit.

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Give me Fuel, Give me Fire…

For me, projects proceed in fits and spurts – you clear one obstacle and that reveals the next obstacle. But when it’s a creative project the process is a bit different: you clear the obstacles and suddenly, you’ve got what you wanted and there’s clear roadway ahead. Now it’s all up to you.

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Bolting Stuff Down

My first grinder was a dual-wheel 1/16hp bench grinder I got at a yard sale for $5 in 1976. It turned on and off with a little switch that was between the wheels – perfectly set up so you could catch the sleeve of your hoodie in the spinning wheels and make a great mess. Luckily it was only 1/16hp.

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Sometimes when I’m working on a project, I just can’t seem to get the right parts at the right time. I got all the Kee clamps [sb] to build the first (welding) table, but I kept ordering the wrong size connectors for the grinder/assembly table.

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