This posting will be a bit image-heavy.
This posting will be a bit image-heavy.
Like in Vietnam, the US continued a bloody war well past the time at which losing was inevitable. And, now it’s over. There’s going to be some people put up against walls and shot, in Afghanistan, which is a return to normal of sorts.
One of the challenges in AI is creativity: how do you make an AI that makes new things? For a long time, many humans privileged the human experience (as we do) saying that computer creativity was a hard limit.
This is almost certainly a pre-release bit of propaganda, but it’s – as is the case for most Russian propaganda – well done. The Russians have their own F-35! [france24]
Getting infected with ransomware is management’s decision. They just don’t realize that they made that decision; it’s one of those things like driving under the influence of LSD: you may have plenty of time to regret it if it turned out to be a bad idea.
I’ve written about this before: the design methodology used to produce the F-35 makes it nearly impossible to maintain any kind of secrecy regarding its technology.
My recent post about F-35s rapidly re-oriented toward the topic of “flying weapons systems that might actually work” so I’d like to speculate a bit. Any of my speculations are informed by some of the excellent SF (C. J. Cherryh, Joe Haldeman) and my experience with computer networking.
If you asked Jackson Pollock to do a painting representing government computer security, it would look just like every other Jackson Pollock painting.
If you were underwater, trying to cut apart a tangle of fishing nets at the bottom of the Baltic, would you daydream perhaps that you might find the wreckage of an ancient Roman cargo ship?