This is what it looks like out here, this time of year. There’s a house up the street that has a yellow tree like this, and a red one, close together. Some years they both go colors at the same time, and it’s eye-bending.
This is what it looks like out here, this time of year. There’s a house up the street that has a yellow tree like this, and a red one, close together. Some years they both go colors at the same time, and it’s eye-bending.
I need to find someone who can sculpt, so I can make valentines’ day cthocolates. And green fhtagn-soap.
We had a bit of rain, so the fall colors happened really quickly, and I missed the best of them.
Back in 2004 or so, I had the idea of shooting some stock photography intended for digital post-manipulation. I don’t have the 3d bug, but I was doing a lot of work with models and I thought it’d be pretty cool to provide action poses and random weirdness, for other artists to interact with.
At the time I was posting stuff on a website called “renderosity” where there was a small group of photographers who did stock, so I posted a comment “Hey, if anyone wants models – cosplay girls, whatever – in particular poses, let me know! I do a lot of photography and maybe I can just bang you off a shot or two!” I only got one response, from a guy who went by “Sazz.”
I’m not surprised when someone who is 80 dies. But it’s the end of a universe of memories and experiences. Tepper was a big influence on me, and I’m adding “The Gate To Women’s Country” to my recommended reading list. (News on Locus Magazine)
One of the side effects of working with lots of solvents and paint and similar stuff is: lizard skin.
And there’s really only one good way to fix lizard skin, namely, glue it back together with some nice soft gooey oils, and let newer skin grow out without drying out or being abraded. This is a pair of recipes for two lotions. Links for ingredients are at the bottom.
I have to confess something: I never thought Picasso’s cubism was all that brilliant. It sort of reminds me of the kinds of things a 6-year-old does with magic markers, and a parent sticks up on the refrigerator with a magnet. Speaking of “refrigerator art”, anyway, this is delightful: a father with some experience at photoshop re-renders his 6-year-old’s cubist masterpieces:
I spend a lot of time on airplanes, usually asleep. Not because it’s restful but because I have long legs and going into a trance is the easiest way to cope with the discomfort.
On my way out to LA, I woke up to change the mix in my music player, and looked out the window:
I’m out in LA for a wedding and needed an appropriate present for the bride. So: 12″ acrylic lamp globe, $29 on ebay, 1/4″ ABS plastic cut plug, 1/4″ ABS plastic base piece, water, cosmetic mica, acrylic glue.
Since some of my comrades here on FTB seem to be posting pictures of birds, I thought I’d offer some footage from my bedroom window a few years ago. It started when the Turkey Committee chair convened the meeting, and rapidly got out of hand. I was on a conference call for about an hour and a half, and the turkeys kept up this level of activity the whole time.