This does not appear to be a photoshop job. It’s cropped up before and neither Mitch McConnell not the Sons of Confederate Veterans have had much to say about it.
This does not appear to be a photoshop job. It’s cropped up before and neither Mitch McConnell not the Sons of Confederate Veterans have had much to say about it.
No man on earth is truly interested in sustaining error; sooner or later it is compelled to surrender to truth.
Your host, Jean Meslier
Short form: I wish there were more thrillers that had such great lighting, interesting characters, adult plot, and which did such a beautiful job of treading the line between suspension of disbelief and failure to suspend disbelief. If you like action movies, go see it unless you are allergic to 80s music and beautifully choreographed but intense violence.
(very very mild spoilers below the fold; I will not spoil any plot-points unless you are a genius at reading between the lines)
Becky N. sent me this:
This is brilliant at so many levels:
“Cursing” is a left-over of the jewish restrictions on saying “Yahweh”
Is this the right room for an argument
(AKA: “the unpronouncable god”) – saying the name of god was punishable by death, so, uh, let’s call it (mumble) because a supreme being won’t be able to tell we’re talking about it if we refer to it as “Monique.”
When I first moved to the farm, in 2002, there were monarch butterflies everywhere. I deliberately kept a big stand of milkweed for them, hoping to attract more.
Canada military builds a camp for refugees from the US.
I got into a lengthy facebook flail-a-thon [here] with some real live biological determinists, last night. Seriously! I had allowed myself to believe that such people didn’t actually exist. Silly me. Now I remember why my appearances on facebook are brief (occasionally I use a stealth account to do investigations) and are usually followed by years of silence.
Cards Against Humanity is a pretty fun game; we occasionally play it as a drinking game and require that the players do a dramatic reading of their play. Sometimes I do mine in a Gollum voice, Preciouss…