We didn’t “lose” in Afghanistan. We “not-won.” Or something.
We didn’t “lose” in Afghanistan. We “not-won.” Or something.
One of the US military’s less endearing characteristics is that it classifies its failures, which effectively puts anyone who discusses them at risk for prison time.
That great big clueless jackass, Donald Trump, tended to blurt whatever was in the forefront of his mind. Picture, if you will, a conveyor belt of bad ideas attached to a microphone, and that’s a good model for how well Trump could think and keep a secret.
This is incredible. On a scale of 0-10 WTFs this is a 10.
Look This is a bit from a recent episode of Reveal podcast. [reveal]@50:00You have to hear it in your mind as coming through tears of sadness and deep frustration, with a great deal of passion. Or go listen to her, in audio.
It seems to me that the US government’s (and its politicians’) stance on China is contradictory. That should be no surprise, right?
I’m sure you’ve seen pictures of the royals in military fig. They look pretty impressive, don’t they?
This is a good explanation of the inner dynamics of capitalism, that make it suck. [counterpunch]
As you may recall, I have been planting evil plants back in the strippings. And I rather stupidly forgot to take into account a local Pennsylvania custom: the beer-addled ATV-ride through other people’s property, prior to going and setting off fireworks.
Rumsfeld was, simultaneously, a “company man” who saw himself as an enabling gear in the vast power-system of the US empire, and an independent-minded strategist; all in all a recipe for an asshole.