This is a supreme – indeed superpowered – example of skills. Media matching, synchronization, and content management.
This is a supreme – indeed superpowered – example of skills. Media matching, synchronization, and content management.
I don’t put a lot of attention into Instagram, but occasionally I post a picture of a work in progress, there, or I browse “drunkpeopledoingthings” and “thingsblowingup” – OK, it’s embarrassingly prurient.
Remember screen savers?
I learned a surprising thing about Japanese swords the other day.
There are traditional ways of making a blade, which have been figured out at great expense over 1000+ years.
[This is a second attempt at this posting; the first went way off into the weeds. This is a tricky topic!]
The karmic balance of the universe is maintained. Henry Kissinger has finally left us.
Well, I finally saw it. This is going to be a sort of scatter-shot review. I feel weird saying “spoilers included” because Napoleon’s life is an open book, is it not? Well, stay tuned because that’s part of the problem.
The talented Mr Fingers is at it again. This time he built a rowboat out of a super realistic sculpture of Jeff Bezos’ head.
(that’s from Ray Wylie Hubbard)
Last night it occurred to me that I should do some more arty Halloweeny stuff and Jornada Del Muerto is coming up on Thursday. Brilliant! No need to worry about Hallmark Halloween, I can do candy skull stuff. So, I mixed some of my candy skull zombie geisha prompts (yes, I have a portfolio of rendered zombie geisha, don’t you?) and my splashy ink prompt.
[Content Warning: AI Art, Nudity-ish, blood and gore-ish]