Met Gala

I used to love fashion. It flows from my love of art, design, and craft – some of the outfits from the high end of the couture world are just amazing. The Fashion Museum at the Met is a mandatory destination whenever I’m in New York, and I’ve managed to catch some of the big shows like The Age of Napoleon and the Heavenly Bodies show. [met] But after last year, when Kim Kardashian managed to pack her gigantic butt into a dress originally fitted for Marilyn Monroe, I began to see the event as a desert of decadence, mostly notable for the tremendous amount of elective plastic surgery on display.

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Ultra Low Calorie Pixels

This is not really interesting, except to think about what eating AI-generated actual food might be like, because the AI sure seems to like big portions and lots of cilantro. Perhaps this is how the AI apocalypse comes: we are poisoned by robot chefs who simply over-salt everything.

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