Creativity. Some Personal Observations

I used to be a highly creative person. I’m not bragging but one idea I threw out over a sushi dinner at Higashi West got turned into a start-up which netted the founder about $200mn. I’ve had a bunch to drink and topped it off with a Zoloft, so forgive me if I wander a bit. It’s snowing out and the shop is too cold and I’m not sure if I want to play computer games, tonight, or try to write.

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It’s Not Journalism

If we were to survey the journalists whose work is respected for being great, we’d find – in general – that it’s the “investigative journalists” and the crisis reporters that dominate the landscape. The historians-as-reporters, such as Herodotus, and SLA Marshall, are also obviously important, even when we factor in later information revealing SLA Marshall as a phoney.

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