A Supervisory Special Agent is a Big Deal in the Secret Service. And SSA Jack Lewis was a Big Deal.
A Supervisory Special Agent is a Big Deal in the Secret Service. And SSA Jack Lewis was a Big Deal.
Goodbye, Marty. [rs]
Sagittarius Eye is an Elite-based fanzine [sa] that is clearly a labor of love.
Someone decided to leave some eggs on my bedroom window. They’re on the outside, which I appreciate.
I get a lot of stuff in the mail, because I’m always collecting components for various projects. Today I went to the post office and there was a large box that was very heavy. It didn’t make sense because I usually don’t order anything that’s going to be very heavy, for when I am away; if I’m away for more than a couple of days, my neighbor up the street collects my mail for me, and I don’t want to overload her.
Before the dumpster service came to pick it up and take it away, we had several days of driving rain and fog. That sort of weather energizes me; I have no idea why.
The Fuel Rats are continuing their galaxy-conquering glorious romp in the limelight!
“Does anyone here know anything about ‘firewalls’?” asked Steve Walker, the CEO of Trusted Information Systems (TIS). If you read Mechanizing Proof [stderr] stw crops up a couple of times – he was one of the proponents of trustworthy design through formal verification, and TIS produced an evaluated version of UNIX known as Trusted Xenix.
It’s wonderful when things out of your past crop up, if they bring good memories.
I always enjoyed the dictum (favored by Hitchens) “What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence” – itself asserted without supporting argument. One of the great masters of the art of passionate, soaring, assertion was Friedrich Nietzsche.
Nietzsche comes to mind, today, because Jordan Peterson appears to have absorbed a form of Cliff’s Notes version of Nietzsche, as most of us did in college.