Vaccinations Are…Population Control!!1!1

The Inner Rodney Howard-Browne, aka Belphegor.

Rodney Howard-Browne, that Master of Conspiratorial Idiocy, has actually dialed down the rhetoric a bit for this latest round of “look what shit I can make people swallow!”

“The dogs want war,” Howard-Browne said. “Our American men and women are being used as cannon fodder for the globalist agenda. We’re not in Afghanistan because we’re killing terrorists. The ISIS bases are in 49 states in America that the CIA brings them and trains them here and then ships them out to the areas of the world where they want there to be conflict. They are all trained here. Osama bin Laden worked for the CIA, so does Anderson Cooper. Work that one out.”

Pretty sure most dogs don’t want war at all. Attention, playtime, food, bones to chew, a nice place to sleep, that’s dogs all over. If you want to talk people, well, it’s people like the Tiny Tyrant who are slavering for yet more war. Donny and his puppet Pence can’t talk about those wonderful nukes enough. They are the morons who think you can settle all things with more war, and hey, why have a military if you aren’t going to use it?

Of course Afghanistan is fucking sham, the whole damn thing is, most people are well aware of that one, Rodney. 49 states? Oh, guess that awful island of evil isn’t included anymore, what with the issuing of birth certificates and stuff. Bin Laden is dead, and when he was alive, it could not be said that he had any regard for uStates. Pretty sure he wouldn’t want to be stuck in a secret CIA den somewhere. Damn, that Anderson Cooper must be one busy person! I can’t imagine how he fits all that into his schedule. Really, since you’re pushing the idea that the CIA does everyone’s thinking for them (there’s an insult and a half), I’d think everyone ought to be giving you a healthy side-eye, Rodney. “Hey, what better way to get people to not believe we’re behind everything – hey, Rodney, get on that right away!” Ooooh, conspiracy. It’s really easy, cooking this shit up, but it can’t be healthy, being so obsessed with it.

Howard-Browne claimed that vaccines are really just an eugenicist effort to impose population control on the world by sterilizing people and giving them diseases, vowing that he’ll “go Old Testament” if anyone ever tries to forcibly vaccinate him.

If vaccines sterilised people, we wouldn’t have the current massive population. If vaccines sterilised people, I would not have had such a difficult time when I started seeking sterilisation.

“There was talk about five years ago, they were going to stop people by the side of the road and give them forced vaccinations,” he said. “Let them try. I have a couple of injections for them and it’s going to be the size of a .45, I can promise you right now. Somebody said, ‘But you’re a Christian.’ Yeah, I am, but I’ll go Old Testament for a half an hour, it’s not a problem.”

:Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha: :hahahahahee: :Thud: No, there was never talk of vaccination stops, let alone forced ones. Going by your age, Rodney, you were duly vaccinated as a child, like I was. Yep, you’re 56, I’m 59, so that was all taken care of long days ago. You should be grateful, polio is nasty. Yes, yes, you’re a christian alright, declaring your intent to murder over a vapourous fantasy.

RWW has the story, and two videos.

AppSame: Fakery.

Sarah Wasko / Media Matters.

Something else I had never heard of at all, and I don’t spend much time on Twitter, certainly not enough to be aware of AppSame, which has an influential twitter account (1.1 million followers). Of course, this leads to the same old question: why is Twitter ignoring this? They certainly have a way of turning their heads to obviously fake bullshit and abuse when it’s convenient for them.

Despite what its wildly misleading name might suggest, AppSame is not an application. Based on the biographical details its social media accounts provide, AppSame is “a conservative political marketing firm helping America back to its greatness.” While publicly available information does not clarify what exactly, if anything, this firm does to help MAGA, its impressive Twitter presence (1.1 million followers as of this writing) invites some questions — about its tactics, its actual impact, its role in the spread of fake news purveyor-generated misinformation into influential right-wing Twitter networks, and whether its influence could become a case study in the way Twitter enables unknown entities to have a disproportionate impact in politics.

Both its massive following and its clout among right-wing Twitter hubs like #TCOT (an acronym that stands for “top conservatives on Twitter”) earned AppSame the top spot in Brandwatch’s 10 most influential Republicans on Twitter rankings in 2016. AppSame’s Twitter behavior is practically indistinguishable from that of hard-core supporters of President Donald Trump: The account frequently retweets the president and his family (once earning a magnanimous mention from Trump) as well as memes featuring right-wing narratives, churning out more than a hundred tweets or retweets per day. But despite its impressive following, AppSame’s original tweets barely register any viral attention, which might be evidence of a heavy fake account presence among its followers. A Twitter audit report confirmed as much in 2015, finding that 45 percent of @AppSame’s followers are suspected fake accounts.

@AppSame’s social media habits also include disseminating fake news and conspiracy theories into right-wing Twitter networks. On Twitter, @AppSame has shared links to fake news purveyors like TruthFeed and True Pundit, and its tweets have on occasion been featured in items written by fake news purveyors. Inmultipletweets, AppSame either suggested or explicitly claimed that Hillary Clinton was responsible for the murder of Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich.

Cristina López & Natalie Martinez at Media Matters have the full investigative story.

“Chemical Sexual Assault: The science supports us in it.”

Mariano Di Vaio, So…men can’t be sexy in work clothes? Really?

Carl Gallups, christian pastor and Trumphole had a little chat session with Mike Shoesmith, who wrote a blog post about the sexual assault cases coming to light in Hollywood recently. It seems Mr. Shoesmith is yet another christian mouthpiece. There’s no end of them. Well, this might take a while, so let’s get started:

If a woman wears sexually suggestive clothing around a man is that not also sexual assault? Men are visually stimulated and unwanted stimulation should meet the basic definition of assault. I am not condoning bad behavior by men but women need to understand that by walking around in their little sister’s skirt they are guilty of indecent visual assault on a man’s imagination which does cause mental anguish and torment especially on men who really are trying to live in harmony and respect toward women; something made more difficult when every ripple and curve are exposed to the men around you. Something to think about.

I have some very bad news for you, Mr. Shoesmith – women are also visually stimulated. Most people are, you know. How women dress varies greatly, from one individual to the next, and of course, the context matters. If you suffer terribly from being overstimulated, then pursuing a job as a Hollywood event planner or photographer might not be the job for you. For the most part, people tend to dress appropriately for their particular job. As for women simply going about their business, perhaps you should nudge your tongue back in your mouth, and point your eyeballs somewhere else. Look at the men for a change. Look at cars in the street. Look in storefront windows. Lots of options. Become a major shoe fan, and look at everyone’s feet. This idea that men simply have little to no control is an incredibly toxic lie, which causes a great deal of damage. It should not be enabled in any way. You’re the type of person who would condemn the wearing of burkas, but the way you want women to dress isn’t all that far off. Personally, I think men’s suits are a fantastic look on women, so let’s have a look at women being completely non-sexy, given that they are completely covered up:

Ms. Marlene Dietrich. Looks right sexy to me! Verrrry sexy.

Ralph Lauren. Oooh, hot! I want all three. Quick, someone throw a mass amount of money at me!

The point being, Mr. Shoesmith, it doesn’t fucking matter what women wear, men will find a way to get all unglued about it. What you really want is for women to be dressed as baggy, ugly, and frumpy as possible; just short of the full burka. As for mental torment and anguish, you should have learned a very long time ago that your boner, or lack of one, is your problem alone. You sound like an adolescent trying to convince someone blue balls is real thing, and they’ll just drop off if you don’t let them…

If all women wore suits like the above, you’d complain about all the time you spent being chemically assaulted and mentally stripping them of those clothes.

“When a man sees a naked or partially dressed woman, a chemical reaction happens in his brain,” he continued. “Neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin are released, giving him an involuntary surge of pleasure. Notice the word ‘involuntary’ … Men are in a state of constant sexual assault by women who either don’t understand the severity of what they are doing, because it’s cute and they like the attention, or worse, they do know the feelings it stirs and like the control they have over men.”

So, this involuntary surge of pleasure, it doesn’t happen to people of other genders? Just you manly men. Right. Amazingly enough, millions of people manage to control themselves every single day, regardless of all the lovely surges of pleasure walking around. Most people just enjoy the surge of pleasure and get on with their day. Now, I have more bad news – most people dress to please themselves. It’s a little much to demand that everyone think about your tender sensitivities, especially when most people don’t have the slightest idea of who you are, or where you are located in the world. It’s a big place, so deal with it.

Gallups agreed, saying that if a man were to parade around the workplace “in a very sexually suggestive outfit,” women would immediately file sexual harassment claims. He demanded to know, therefore, “why wouldn’t it be sexual assault” when a woman does it.

Let’s define very sexually suggestive outfit first. When it comes to women, a short skirt qualifies as very sexually suggestive. Any hint of breasts, very sexually suggestive. Now, if a man shows up at the office in g-string, yeah, that’s not appropriate. However…

if I worked in an office, and a colleague dressed like that ^ I would get a serious surge of pleasure. And be impressed. There isn’t anything remotely inappropriate about that outfit, but it’s damn sexy. I would love to see men in kilts all over the place. See, that’s the thing – sexy isn’t defined solely by clothing. There are many factors, and even more factors when it comes to attractiveness. You’re acting as though eye candy is the worst thing ever in the world. It isn’t, and most of us grown ups are adult enough to easily cope with it.

“We are just discussing what should be obvious,” Gallups insisted. “The science supports us in it.”

No, the “science” does not fucking support you! Not in any way. You’re both fucking idiots who don’t have the slightest idea of what you’re attempting to talk about.

“Men are responsible for fighting off this chemical sexual assault in their brains,” Shoesmith agreed. “Men are responsible for fighting that off every day.”

Oooh, chemical assault! I have more news for you – we all share the same damn chemicals, gender doesn’t have anything to do with it. We all have to deal with visual and olfactory stimulation every day. This would be in the water is wet category.

“Yes they are, absolutely,” Gallups responded. “And women need to help the men.”

No, we do not need to help you. Not in any fashion. You need to help yourselves. This is yet more moronic moaning brought to you by christian idiocy. Everyone needs to be so terribly helpless, especially men, even though you’re styled as the leaders and all, because you just can’t manage to think straight if you realize that women have actual bodies. Fuck that noise. With bells on.

Via RWW and PNN.

oooOOOoo Seance! Blood Drinking! Human Sacrifice! ooOOOooo.

PZ had a fun post up about Jack Chick’s Halloween tracts, which were always lurid, and always wrong. Unfortunately, there are way too many christians who believe such utter shit, and not only believe it, preach it. One such fanatic is Rodney Howard-Browne, master of delusions and conspiracy theories. After a rant about the evil pasty white boy Eminem, he launches into his latest mishmash of conspiratorial evils…

“It’s time to mock the false gods of the age and their prophets,” he continued. “They’re prophets of the enemy … These people are full of the devil, these people can’t even be reasoned with, these are not people you can talk to, they have already given their soul to the devil. These people go through seances, these people drink blood, these people sacrifice children.”

Personally, I think it’s people like Mr. Howard-Browne and all those who actually listen to him who could be classed as irrational and unreasonable. What can you say to someone who truly believes that there’s blood drinking and human sacrifice going on all over the place, and somehow, no one notices? I don’t believe in gods. I don’t believe in the assorted crew, angels, demons, all that nonsense, either. We don’t have souls. I don’t attend seances, drink blood, or sacrifice children. I don’t even eat babies. I think I’m at least fairly reasonable. Generally speaking, I’m willing to listen to most people, but I do have a requirement – I expect people to think. To think about themselves, their views, why they have those views, why they have beliefs in whatever. People should never be afraid to think. Unfortunately, theists of all stripes despise and fear thinking. It’s not good for the flock to think, they might end up coming to very different conclusions from what they are spoonfed at every opportunity. There’s a reason there’s so much repetition of the same old shit in religion – they don’t want people thinking. “Focus on ‘god’! “Fear the devil!” Ooooh Pray!”

“They sacrifice children at the highest levels in Hollywood,” Howard-Browne declared. “They drink blood of young kids. This is a fact.

No, it’s not a fact. That is easily verifiable, too. It’s yet another fucking lie, meant to scare the hell out of those who have been trained to fear a psychopathic god all their lives. Now, some filthy rich assholes are so afraid of death, they do things like milk blood from young people – see Peter Thiel, wannabe vampire. As far as I know, he doesn’t drink the stuff, just spends an obscene amount of money now and then for a transfusion of that sweet, young, blood. Now, there’s stupid and disgusting behaviour for you, but it’s hardly a secret, it’s been publicized, written about, and verified. I expect if people in Hollywood or anywhere else were busy quaffing blood, there would be plenty of stories about it, because those kind of stories sell – what’s better than sex? Blood drinking, sacrificial scandals! Are there other filthy rich morons who are paying an obscene amount of money for transfusions? I expect so.

That is why the next thing to be exposed will be all the pedophilia that is going to come out of Hollywood and out of Washington, D.C. The human sacrifice and the cannibalism has been going on for years. Some of you say, ‘Oh, they don’t do that.’ It’s worse than what you think. You remember when the whole spirit cooking thing came out? That’s commonplace, ladies and gentlemen.

Oh, the trifecta – pedophilia, human sacrifice, and…cannibalism! Oooh, shocker. Spirit Cooking? What, I, uh. Okay, there was an Abramovic work done in the late ’90s called Spirit Cooking, but…:searches: Oh. Yeah, it’s about that. Sort of. Christ on a stick, no art piece can match what these idiots can cook up. No, ‘spirit cooking’ is not a thing. Again, easily verifiable. No one is busy writing about the joys of spirit cookery. If it was a thing, there would be a fucktonne of specialist blogs and so on. I’m sure it would be a major feature on Goop. Well, maybe it will be, it’s not just christians who make up batshit stuff.

And many of the Hollywood actors that you go see on a screen, what you don’t know [is] they bring a witch, they do a big seance right there on the set and they worship devils and they allow devils to come into them before they take the part of what they’re going to act. It’s a fact what I am telling you.”

No, that is not a fact. It’s yet another fucking lie. This is so tiresome. Hollywood is one of the most covered places on the earth, many people are endlessly interested in celebs, movies, and television. Honestly, think for one moment the sheer amount of people involved in making one movie. Just one. And of course, not one person would be remotely tempted by the money they could demand for such stories. Yeah, that’s not reality. Also, while not every actor can be considered great, it’s pretty damn insulting to imply they are unable to perform their job at all, and are instead nothing more than demon suits. A person could be quite tempted to think that lying, conspiracy mongering evangelists are little more than skin suits for demons, if those particular critters existed. As it stands, it’s bad enough, the harm, spite, poison and fear spilled out by lying, conspiracy mongering evangelists.

RWW has the full story, and video.

oooOOOoo Lesbian Nazi Regime ooOOOooo.

A whole 8 days ago, Rick Wiles was ranting about oooOOOoo Shadow Government ooOOOooo. I would venture a guess it didn’t go over well enough, because it has now morphed into a secret world government that is a gay/lesbian Nazi regime, but the death squads are still in place. Can’t lose the death squads.

“I stand by my claim that this country has death squads,” he said. “We have death squads in this country and it’s being run by a super secret agency, but there is participation at the state and local level.”

Yeah, yeah, we got that last time. I guess the whole Shadowmerica business didn’t go over so well though, because it’s been downgraded to a super secret agency. Right, that’s never been the plot of a million bad books, no. Does the super secret agency have secret squirrels? Inspector Gadget? Are Boris and Natasha involved?

“We’re in a fascist Nazi police state,” Wiles added, warning that “there will be a day that they tell law enforcement [officers] to execute your children right in front of you and they will do it.”

You’re so close to woke there, Mr. Wiles, but you take one twisted path to the side. Yes, we are in a fascist state, and the nazis are popping out of the woodwork all over the place. This is the current state of things, having the Tiny Tyrant perched in high office, praising nazis, embracing fascism, and fucking things up all over the place. As for cops, well, they already are, and have been executing peoples’ children, all over the place, every single day. You may not have noticed because the majority of them aren’t white.

“America has become a Nazi state. The deep state is a Nazi state,” Wiles said. “That is why Campos [Jesus Campos, the Mandalay Bay security guard ] appeared on a daytime talk show hosted by a fast-talking, dancing comedienne, and, let me add, a lesbian, because this Nazi regime is a gay/lesbian Nazi regime, just like Nazis in Hitler’s day. Hitler was a bisexual, the top Nazi leaders of the Nazi party were homosexuals. The Nazi takeover of Germany was a militant homosexual fascist takeover; that is what is taking place in America today.”

I expect there are much more venal reasons for the talk show appearance; it’s standard anymore, do the talk show rounds, grab all the money you can, have your 15 minutes of fame. There might be a side benefit of helping himself process the event, and helping others to do so as well.

As for the Nazis, um, Paragraph 175. Prosecution. Persecution. Concentration Camps. A whole lot of dead people. If the top leaders of the Nazi party were queer, they kept themselves in one deeeep closet, Mr. Wiles. Gay men were considered to be a great hindrance in the creation of that lovely master white race.

So, when another eight days have passed, are we going to have yet another revision of Secret Whatever with Death Squads™? You could turn this into a series! Or write yet another really bad book.

RWW has the story, and the soundcloud.

Bible Logick.

Bryan Fischer has come up with a novel case for being pro-death penalty: hey, good for the environment!

While making what he claimed was a biblical case for the death penalty on his radio program yesterday, Bryan Fischer said that executing criminals is something that environmentalists should support because that is the only process through which the land can be cleansed of “pollution.”

Citing Numbers 35, Fischer declared that “the land is polluted and defiled by murder; when innocent blood is shed, the land is polluted.”

As per usual with christians, one verse is selected while ignoring the larger context. Numbers 35 is all about building cities, and how murderers can flee to said cities and find refuge, until they are properly judged for their act and the revenger (nearest kin to the murdered person) is allowed to kill them. There’s a whole lot about how only the revenger can be the one to administer capital punishment. Basically, this is a chapter detailing the rules and manners of being bloodthirsty, and where you are allowed to spill blood, and where you aren’t. Miss Manners for killers.

Also, Mr. Fischer doesn’t seem to be overly concerned by the difference between literal and figurative. One particular definition of pollution does not automatically apply to the other definitions. I’d urge you to look at a dictionary, could be right helpful.

“If you’re an environmentalist and you care about the pollution of the land of the United States of America, then you want to see murder stopped and you want to see murder avenged,” Fischer said. “You want to see justice done in the case of murder because Moses says in verse 33, ‘No atonement can be made for the land for the blood that is shed in it except by the blood of the one who shed it.’ So if we want to see our land cleansed from the pollution of the shedding of innocent blood, it’s not just enough to lock people up for the rest of their lives.”

Well, if all it takes to clean up the environment is to condemn all those who have spilled blood, that’s an outright condemnation of every human on the planet, given our constant wars and all; not one society has ever stood up and said “nope, we refuse. no war.” Going by biblical standards, just being unhappy with wars isn’t enough, so we all need to die. Granted, that would do wonders for the environment. Let’s agree that’s not a great solution though, especially as you wouldn’t be able to get everyone on board with that idea.

If you’re going to stick with Numbers, then only the closest kin of those murdered can carry out executions, and those executions must be done in specific cities, at specific times. Good luck with that one, Mr. Fischer. If you want to insist on this spilt blood is the worst pollution ever, and you believe in Jehovah, then your target is clear: kill that fucking god of yours, because as killers go, it would be one of the worst.

I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve recommended Drunk With Blood by Steve Wells, but if you haven’t read it, please do. If you’re a christian, don’t be afraid of it, nothing but bible in it (KJV too), with a bit of clarifying commentary. What it will do is drive home the sheer awfulness of this god, the absolute lack of consistency anywhere in the bible, and the sheer delight this fiendish creation of a god takes in being a bloodthirsty psychopath with all the restraint of sugar-loaded toddler.

Via RWW.

Vidya Games! Hollywood!

The ever frothing Rick Santorum decided, like every other conservatwit, to weigh in on the Las Vegas shooting. Naturally, gun control is completely wrong, because it’s the fault of video games. And Hollywood, of course.

The failed GOP presidential candidate, who appeared Sunday as a panelist on CNN’s “State of the Union,” then suggested violent entertainment may have influenced the 64-year-old gunman.

“Violence in television and the video games — there is a mountain of evidence out there, psychological evidence, about what we’re doing to our young people with these video games, violent video games, and you never hear the left trying to go after Hollywood or the gaming market,” Santorum said. “It is never involved in this discussion. Where is the solution? Here we are. Where is the solution?”

He complained that Democrats had inaccurately blamed firearms for gun violence instead of movies.

Oy. Less talking heads, more thinking brains, please. The murderous shooter was 64 years old, Mr. Santorum. Let that sink in a moment. I’ll soon be 60 myself, so I can say that video games weren’t a thing when us old dinosaurs were young. Christ, colour televisions were still fresh way back when. As for Hollywood, nothing has changed, the effects have gotten better. And there’s more swearing. I’m a fan of old movies, in particular, old noir. There’s a whole lot of nastiness in movies, going way back, many of them now considered to be classics. Movies you couldn’t possibly consider to be in any way a moral one to watch, unless you were looking for awful morals, and that certainly includes those old bible movies. You could just paste a ‘a god behaving abominably’ on those. When I was young, and before that even, war movies were incredibly popular. Nothing but violence. Westerns, very popular – people shooting and people dropping dead every 5 seconds. People hanging out in the saloon. Where else? Always had women of negotiable love hanging about, too.  Movies have always provided people with a relief valve, a drop into fantasy for a while, where they can escape the cares of everyday life. Same goes for video games. That’s not a bad thing, even though there is always plenty of room for improvement.

I think you can easily place the blame for gun violence on those who love them, cuddle them, and fondle them all the way to their dramatic suicide. You can blame gun violence on the gun culture nourished by the government. You can blame gun violence on the NRA, which actively promotes it. You can blame gun violence on the sheer ubiquity of guns allowed in uStates. Let’s not be looking to video games and movies, because the problem doesn’t lie there, but I expect you’re well aware of that, Mr. Santorum.

Via Raw Story.

That one may smile…

Apparently, It’s World Smile Day, originated by Harvey Ball, the commercial artist who came up with the ubiquitous smiley face in the 1960s. Perhaps Mr. Ball wasn’t a fan of Shakespeare: That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain. – Hamlet.

I’m not a fan of Mr. Ball’s smiley face, I’ve always hated that damn thing, and I’ve had a lifetime of seeing it everywhere, and it’s all over the bloody net, too. Give me Kilroy any day. As a girl, and a woman, I’ve been subjected to the “smile!” command my whole life, from those I know, and perfect strangers. You can’t go anywhere without getting that obnoxious command from someone, usually a man.

Smiles don’t necessarily mean one damn thing, especially as so many of us are expected to fake smile throughout the day no matter what. Out in public, you can rarely be lost in your thoughts without hearing “smile!” or “it can’t be that bad, smile!” Kindness, courtesy, and thoughtfulness can easily take place without a smile, as well as with one. If you have a genuine reason to smile, by all means, do so, but do we really need a smile command day?

As Shakespeare noted so long ago, a smile can easily mask villainy of all kinds. Those looking to con someone are known for their easy smiles. And so on. I also have little use for making shit like this a “day”. Great, so you’re gonna smile your way through this day, then what? Go back to being an asshole the other 364? Screw smiling. If you want to make a difference, work on small kindnesses whenever you’re out and about, if you can manage them, with or without the smile. That will stretch further, and have a good chain effect, rather than a bunch of people being smiley because it’s an ‘official day’. All this crap does is promote the artificial smile, and makes people think it’s perfectly okay to keep on with the “smile!” command aimed at people they don’t know. Please, don’t do that, and if someone is not smiling, perhaps they have reason not to do so, and refraining from insisting on a smile would be a small act of kindness.

Note: Anyone who decides it would be clever to pepper a comment with smiley faces will most likely find it edited.

Sunday Facepalm: Vox Day, Comic Saviour.

Vox Day, screengrab.

Get those palms ready for some facin’, people. Whatever you do, no headdesking, you’ll kill yourself. Vox Day has decided to rescue comics from the horrible SJW hell they have become, because everyone hates them, and besides, Vox is sure he has hit on the perfect way to make all us lefties wail and gnash our teef.

Beale told his fans that major comic makers are “methodically, purposefully, absolutely attempting to destroy every value—every American value, every Western value, every Christian value that they can get their hands on” by creating spinoffs of popular comic series that depict classic characters as black, female and Muslim. Beale’s answer to that perceived attack is to fund the creation of a comic series that features “triggering” white characters that smoke cigarettes, wear Confederate flag costumes and combat left-wing protesters.

Hmmm. Well, I smoke, so I don’t think that will press the trigger. Every day, there are photos of assholes wandering about in Nazi regalia and waving confederate flags, and I haven’t swooned yet. I have an idea this won’t work the way ol’ Vox thinks it will, especially as us lefties aren’t exactly in the market for asshole comix.

The series promises “storylines, not social justice” and revolves around a collection of superhuman heroes that defy a United Nations “Superhuman Protection Council” and act as vigilante crime fighters who apparently use their rogue status to target undocumented immigrants and left-wing protesters.

Ooooh, gotta say, that’s right…boring.

What I found the most interesting was the idea that anything short of an undefined “success”, which as we all know will be redefined and re-redefined as Alt⭐️Hero meets with the usual metrics of success over time, is tantamount to “sad humilation”. Think about how twisted one’s psyche has to be to make that connection, and what a crushing fear of failure one would have to have in order to think that way.

That is the heart of the SJW, which is not only terrified of failure, but is terrified that someone, somewhere, will be successful doing something of which the SJW does not approve.

Of course, SJWs have good reason to be terrified of Alt⭐️Hero. Because they know they are the true villains and the enemy in the cultural war.

Hahahahaha oh my. I’m afraid sad puppy Vox is setting himself up for  sad humiliation. (I have no idea if humiliation is the same thing as humilation, someone can ask Vox for me.) Is everyone ready?

You can read much more at RWW.

“Do you guys think I’m crazy?”

GwinnettPrep Sports.

Dave Daubenmire tends to get easily distracted. Instead of foaming at the mouth ranting about all those evil commie NFL players in any sort of consistent manner, he derails, right into…soccer. Yep, actual football has his knickers in a knot. Seems that it’s unamerican. Or something.

“American boys play football,” he said, “they don’t play soccer.”

Daubenmire returned to the topic during his webcast today, suggesting that there is an effort to encourage young boys to play soccer in order to undermine the institution of family and insisting that people who can’t see this obvious fact are simply blind to the spiritual forces at work.

Soccer is football, you knothead. Oh, spiritual forces. What forces, Dave? Could it be…Saaatan? Maybe it’s…Deeeemons? Hmmm, perhaps it’s Stolas, he looks like he be good at football:

Stolas is a Great Prince of Hell, commands twenty-six legions of demons, and teaches astronomy and the knowledge of poisonous plants, herbs and precious stones. He is also known as Stolos, Stoppas and Solas. He is depicted as either being a crowned owl with long legs, a raven, or a man.

Daubenmire said that during his coaching years, he routinely saw “little 5 and 6-year-old boys drug off over to the soccer field and their daddies didn’t even know what soccer was, the daddies couldn’t talk to their sons about, ‘Oh yeah, back when I played soccer’ and then the boys could never talk to their dads about when they played football because they took them all and stuck them over in soccer.”

How long ago were you coaching, Dave? Because by my reckoning, that would make you very old indeed. Many decades have gone by in which kids of all genders have flocked to the soccer field in droves. It’s a much more attractive game, and one that requires considerable skill to play, which kids actually recognize, so they understand the point of starting early. Given how long ago soccer became popular here, there are a good many dads and moms out there who played soccer, and can happily yak about their playing days, boring the socks off their kids. It seems pathetic that a coach would need to be told that a parent doesn’t need to have sports behind them to encourage or enjoy their child’s engagement in it.

“Why do we have soccer fields everywhere?” he asked. “Because it takes a man to play football and mommies don’t like seeing their little boys get knocked down, so mommies put them into soccer where they get little knee pads and they don’t really hurt each other.”

Soccer is hardly a pain free or injury free sport, Dave. Most sports for young children are protective in nature, after all, the goal shouldn’t be “brain damage ’em by seven years old!” I’m certainly glad you’ve given up coaching to be a loon. I see this rant devolves into the usual misogynistic crap, where you can’t acknowledge that many women play sports, many women enjoy sports, and of course, it’s the fault of all those evil pussies walking around. Sometimes I despair. All manner of parents look askance at American football these days, the injuries are by no means lightweight, and most parents do actually love and care about their sproggen.

“What does grandpa get to do on Saturday morning?” Daubenmire continued. “Go watch my grandson play football? No. He’s a penguin, he’s running around hitting balls with his head. I can’t relate to him playing soccer. But I can go to a football game and watch him get knocked on his butt, be able to tell him after the game, ‘You know, that happened to me back when I was playing too and let me tell you what to do.’ But I can’t help him with soccer.”

This is not 1950, Dave. Why do I get the idea you’ve never actually watched a football match? I’d dearly love to see your ample arse shoved out on the field, and have to make one goal. Just one, Dave. Then you could leave and get back to ranting. I’m not a sportsball person, I don’t like any of it, but even I can’t deny the disparity between football and American football when it comes to sheer skill and talent. Lining up and ramming people as brutally as possible really shouldn’t be a sport at all, but this is ‘merica.

“Do you guys think I’m crazy?” he asked. “I don’t care. I’m telling you [the truth.]”

Oh, don’t tempt me, Dave. That’s not nice. You aren’t telling the truth, you’re just ranting about your personal dislikes. There’s a difference.

Via RWW, where there’s video.

All The Witch Hunts…

It’s seems that whole clumps of bitter techbros are fleeing to the MGTOW life (that’s Men Going Their Own Way, if you didn’t know), and advocating a life of male separatism. Just a thought, but if you avoid women at all costs, it might not be a surprise that your viewpoints are more suited to a cave than a nice high tech office somewhere. Naturally, this is an evil witch hunt, with the intent to subjugate men (and make them do what? Scrub out the toilet?) and other nefarious things. As always, the irony of men screeching “witch hunt!” escapes them entirely.

One of those who said there had been a change is James Altizer, an engineer at the chip maker Nvidia. Mr. Altizer, 52, said he had realized a few years ago that feminists in Silicon Valley had formed a cabal whose goal was to subjugate men. At the time, he said, he was one of the few with that view.
Continue reading the main story

Now Mr. Altizer said he was less alone. “There’s quite a few people going through that in Silicon Valley right now,” he said. “It’s exploding. It’s mostly young men, younger than me.”

Mr. Altizer said that a gathering he hosts in person and online to discuss men’s issues had grown by a few dozen members this year to more than 200, that the private Facebook pages he frequents on men’s rights were gaining new members and that a radical subculture calling for total male separatism was emerging.

“It’s a witch hunt,” he said in a phone interview, contending men are being fired by “dangerous” human resources departments. “I’m sitting in a soundproof booth right now because I’m afraid someone will hear me. When you’re discussing gender issues, it’s almost religious, the response. It’s almost zealotry.”

Unsurprisingly, Mr. Altizer, when you decide to pontificate about how women should not be in a workplace, and they should be quiet about slaps on the ass, if they don’t want to deal, they should stay home and do what they were ‘made’ for and all that, it will elicit a response. Women have been responding to misogynistic attitudes for thousands of years now. If we, from time to time, snap or yell, well, I’m sure you’ll understand the frustration of having one generation after another having to repeat themselves.

I do love the touch of the soundproof booth, though. For unknown reasons, the NYT has decided to give these sad separatists a full work up, because life is so gosh darn hard for men, especially those of the white variety. I’ll wish them fun in their cones of silence, and continue to pay attention to those men who have happily figured out that yes, women are human beings too.

Full story here.

Sorta Doomsday, Right Around the Corner.

Well, the crank who predicted we’d all die a horrible and fiery death on the 23rd this month has re-evaluated. Doomsday is just around the corner, starting on October 15th, but it won’t be a horrible and fiery death, no. The rapture will happen, natch, but then it’s just going to herald in the tribulation, so really, nothing will change. We won’t even be able to say bye to all the christians.

Writing on his website, Meade clarified his belief that the 23rd is the date of a “historical event” in the skies that would signal the oncoming rapture. Doomsday itself, he says, will begin on October 15.

That date marks the beginning of a seven-year period of tribulation. “That’s when the action starts. Hold on and watch—wait until the middle of October and I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed,” he writes.

Some things to watch out for are the loss of electrical power across the world, leading to war, famine and other perilous events.

Hmmm, lots of places in the world are dealing with loss of electrical power because hurricanes. Nowadays, wars are a bit difficult to conduct without power. Anyroad, we’re awash in wars, power losses, famines, and other perilous events, read a fucking newspaper, Mr. Meade. Historically speaking, these things have been going on forever.

To be clear, Meade says, “Nothing is expected to happen in September.”

Oh, there’s a whole lot happening. Just not what you want, right?

Meade points to the total eclipse on August 21 as a significant event which he believes acts as a precursor to the beginning of the rapture. He says the date marks a 40-day countdown to the beginning of October. “October is the month to watch.”

Mmm. The rapture is not going to happen. It’s never going to happen. Get the fuck over it, please.

Meade subscribes to the conspiracy that a 10th planet, Planet X or Nibiru, will either cross or collide with Earth, leading to a seven-year period of tribulation, or rapture. This will be followed by a millennium of peace.

The rapture and the tribulation are two distinct events, dude. If you’re going to twist the mess of christian theology around, get it right. So, seven years of awful stuff, then the legendary thousand years of peace. Right. We’ve managed thousands upon thousands of years of tribulation. We haven’t managed peace yet. I won’t be holding my breath for your magical planet or your magical god to set things right.

So, doomsday, business as usual.

Via Raw Story.

Buy A Bucket of Yuck, and God Refills for Free!

Oh, Jim Bakker is going a bit nuts with his yuck in a bucket, insisting that everyone buy, and that all those filthy rich people, well, they should buy a million dollars worth, really! Why? Because end times, that’s why, and money will be useless. Of course, ol’ Jim still seems to want piles of that useless stuff.

Guest John Shorey told viewers to stock up on Bakker’s food buckets and not to worry about running out because God will miraculously refill them as needed.

“When you empty a bucket of food,” Shorey said, “trust God to refill it.”

That’s right nifty. Pity Jehovah can’t see fit to just provide food directly, without the need to pour money into Bakker’s pockets. I’m sure they are counting on the rubes not giving this any thought, nor the fact that when the food bucket is empty, it will most certainly stay that way. I will admit, it’s hard to imagine one of them getting emptied in the first place.

When Shorey told those who “have the means to buy 100 buckets of food” to “buy 100 buckets of food” and give them to local churches, Bakker chimed in to urge millionaires to buy as much food as they can afford.

“Do a million dollars worth of food, I’m serious,” Bakker said. “If they’re rich, their money is going [away] anyway, John. It’s not going to be worth anything. The crash is coming, so why not sow it into the Lord?”

Shorey agreed, adding that those who don’t use all their money to buy as much food as they can will have to answer to God.

Right, money is going to be absolutely useless, so why in the name of your psychogod aren’t you giving the stuff away? Wouldn’t that be the ‘godly’ thing to do? Oh, there’s a tonne of irony comin’ up, folks…

“The Bible says that our riches will be a witness against us,” Shorey said. “When the time comes that you’ve left money in the bank that could have been used to help people, to help feed people and all you did is you just kept all your riches for yourself, it will be a witness against you. You will stand before God and he will say, ‘Why didn’t you do more to help the needy?’”

:head goes bang bang bang on the desk: Right. Let’s see your bank books, boys. Then we’ll talk.

Via RWW, there’s video at the link.