I forget where I saw this one, but: “The lone star on the Texas flag is a review/rating.”
Texas was founded as a racist ethnostate by the painful process of lots of USAian grifters sneaking down into Mexico for to do some “ethnic cleansing” that, naturally, broke out into outright conflict and eventually the USA incorporated Texas as a state. Where do you think Vladimir Putin learned the trick that he used to take over Crimea? That’s probably a trick question, it’s a technique dating back to ?? who knows when? The Children of Israel used it when occupying Caanan, according to their own accounts. Plus ca change, eh?
I saw a rather brilliant comedy bit on Instagram (linking to Instagram sucks, so I won’t try) in which the main conceit was pointing out that the British never sent their best immigrants, either. Nor did the Norwegians (potato famine, wars), Poles and Ukrainians (ditto, plus pogroms). Australia was a dumping ground where the British switched to sending “their best people” after the North American colonies started to look like a profit center.
Of course, if Texas actually did try to secede, it would beg the question “why not give it back to Mexico, with apologies and its entire population?” like the British did to Hong Kong. Not that it would happen, but secession would instantly create a new shithole province of Mexico, or third world economy on our border – but mostly it would guarantee that republicans would never be able to get a majority in the Senate or House, or elect a candidate to high office again. Think that over and the idea of giving Texas back starts to look better and better.
Also, if Texas’ biggest complaint is the border, then Texas seceding and becoming an independent nation would at least double the length of their land borders.
It would be funny (and also tragic) if Texas left the union and the US acknowledged Texas as part of Mexico and supported Mexico reestablishing control
Of course Texas is too rich to ever be allowed to leave, and any of this would create a humanitarian crisi
I see some limited parallels between the idea of Texas seceding and Scotland getting independence from the UK…
Does Mexico even want it at this point? It’s pretty badly fucked up… “Here, we broke it – you can have it back now.”
I think the British should give Texas to the Mexicans, then the Mexicans can start moving settlers in, turfing the natives off their land, bulldozing their homes and so on.
And you might well say “But the British have nothing to do with Texas OR Mexico, don’t own the one and don’t owe the other” – well, yeah, exactly.
I think the British should give Texas to the Mexicans
(out of character)Brilliant! You win the thread!(/out of character)
It makes as much sense as anything, since the collapse of the Ottoman Empire the place has been basically lawless and needs firm administration. Hey! Maybe we could resettle… (muffled thumps)
sonofrojblake @ 5
And when Trump is back in office, he can move the Mexican embassy to Jerusalem, too. It’s handy that there is one in Texas for this metaphor.
… and this is why Bavaria is Germany’s Texas.