This is just a bit more clowning around in Witcher 3.
Nvidia’s Shadowplay is really cool stuff – you can set it to record a rotating buffer of your last umpty-minutes of play, and if something interesting happens you can hit a key and dump it to your hard drive as a movie. Of course it’s chewing up your hard drive, but since my gaming machine is a standalone box, I don’t really care – I have a pair of SSDs in there and one is specifically for temporary files and movie ripping, etc. When it wears out, I’ll replace it.

Sunset over Novigrad
Nvidia also includes Ansel – an engine that cooperatively pauses the game then puts you into a viewer that lets you pan the camera around and do very high-resolution screen grabs or panoramas.
Ansel and Shadowplay are great ways to eat hard drive space. Because: why not!
So, random fun from my Witcher archive:
Geralt’s got some slippery shoes! And somehow his foot never snags – because otherwise, this would have ended a lot differently. That’s edited from a shadowplay capture that was at full 4k resolution – so 2 minutes was about 1gb sized file. The quality is impressive – you can go through and turn practically any frame into a high quality screengrab if you like. I usually use ffmpeg to downsample a working copy to 1920p then load it into Corel Videostudio, which is a great inexpensive editor.
Occasionally it’s fun to go through the video-streams and pick a nice frame. Like this rather awkward hug:

Awkward hugs
These are 900-by-whatever images; I keep them small because my job here at FTB is not to fill the hard drives on the server. The originals are glorious 8.3 mp 4k – 4 times the size I post here.
Sometimes the game engine makes mistakes. This castle guard in Novigrad appears to have spawned rather awkwardly:
These aren’t cutscenes; this is gameplay:

In the graveyard with Ciri, with the longsword
Some views captured from Ansel:

zoomed out

full zoom
The resulting 3 gigapixel file is 600mb.

360 view captured in Ansel
I haven’t messed with it, but the 360-degree images can be mapped into a VR headset so you can gawk about.
Witcher also inspires some truly incredible cosplayers. Check this out:
(I did a reverse image search to try to figure out who did this, but it’s been pinned and favorited so many times I can’t figure out the origin.
I enjoy how gaming has become a multifaceted art-form. Some people use game engines for machinima, some do cosplay, some mod the games, etc. I see it all as a generally positive and nonviolent way for people to express their creativity. When I was a kid and first started playing with computers, my parents complained that I was wasting my time (because I was coding games on that Commodore PET) – turns out it worked out OK for me. I know several people who started off as gamers who didn’t know what to do with their lives: one is now a 3D animator for a gaming company, and another works for Twitch. One of ‘my’ Fuel Rats got so involved in being a dispatcher, that he discovered he had a tremendous talent (no, really!) for dealing with people under pressure – I wrote him a letter of recommendation in my capacity as ‘Founder of the Fuel Rats’ explaining what skills he demonstrated, and now he’s got a job doing community outreach and crisis management for a major corporation. I’m not saying gaming is perfect (we’ve still got our fascists and gamergaters to face-punch) but it’s an interesting parallel reality in which people can express themselves, find themselves, and experiment with the roles they want to play in real life.
Why does Talk Guard have no legs?
Why does Talk Guard have no legs?
I tried to ask him but it wasn’t an option.
That’s incredibly rude, just asking about an obvious life choice and/or disability.
Raucous Indignation@#3:
That’s incredibly rude, just asking about an obvious life choice and/or disability.
I was thinking perhaps he’d been buried like that by an earth elemental, and needed help. My intentions were good!